When might I need to make a manual payment?
You may make a manual payment to a host for one of the following reasons:
To write off a payment
For example: A family owes the school money, but the school is unable to collect the money for whatever reason. The value will be displayed in the ‘Outstanding Transactions’ section of the accommodation payment Run Results page.
If the value to be written off is a minus value, i.e. -£80, then when adding the Manual Payment to cancel out the payment you would input the value as £80 (+)
If the value to be written off is a plus value, i.e. £80, then when adding the Manual Payment you would input the value as -£80 (-)
To pay Compensation or Extra Payment
When adding a Manual Payment for compensation the value is always entered as a plus value, i.e. £80.
A payment was made to a family in advance of the payment run
If a payment has been made to a family in advance of the payment run and you do not want to pay the family this value again, add a manual payment for the same amount as a minus value, i.e. -£80.
There is a helpsheet (no.HS075) which covers this. Please click on the following link to view or download helpsheet – HS075 – Accommodation – Host Manual Payments.docx or please watch the video below demonstrating this process.