General Lookup Name
(45 characters) Name (45
characters) Address Tel/Fax/Email Mobile
Number Direct Agent Surname/Forename/Addressee/Position
Alpha Search Name - can be the company name, but can also
be the name by which the agent is more commonly known.
Eg. Agencia de Viajes
(in Madrid) - known as "ADV Madrid".
Formal name, used for addressing and invoicing.
Enter as appropriate, using
town/city/country as indicated.
20 characters each for Tel/Fax.
Email will take all email addresses.
Fax and email are used by the system
(fax/email) interface to Outlook.
Enter in format CCnnnnnnnnnnn, where CC is the country code for
the mobile, excluding "00" or "+", eg. for UK 44.
Drop the leading zero, eg.
07836574341, becomes 447836574341.
The mobile number may be used in
conjunction with the text messaging option within Class.
Tick if mobile may be used for contact.
allows code input (for enrolment processing) instead of the agent
Note: Code is not forced to be unique, but it is
advisable to make it so.
Select if the agent is to be used
for booking direct students.
Any number of direct agents may be used,
although for many schools only 1 will exist.
Main contact - generally used
for correspondence.
Name field 45 characters, addressee field 45 characters,
position 20 characters.
Agent's country (used in
statistics, eg. agents by country). Normally the country from where most
students are enrolled.
Only "Active" agents are available during enrolment
All other
options, except "Prospective" are used to indicate inactive.
Date and
reference boxes.
User Defined Fields
Field headings are set in
System Settings, and can be mandatory.
Analysis 1-6 are used for character
values (1-30 characters)
Analysis 7-8 are used for numeric values +/1
9,999,999 (whole numbers only)
Analysis 9-10 are date
Text Messaging
When sent, a
confirmation is displayed, as well as charges.
The "sent" message means the
message has been received by the network provider, eg. Orange, Vodafone etc, not
necessarily the mobile phone user.
Invoice Printing
Send Customer Proformas?
If set, proformas
are in use.
If not set, then only invoices/credits are created.
commercial companies may only accept invoices.
Print Invoice is same
as Proforma?
The system will at some point produce an invoice,
typically "on arrival".
If this box is unticked and a
proforma has been produced for the same value, the sending of the invoice is
suppressed, leaving only the copy (for accounting purposes).
Although an
invoice is required for your accounting records, you may feel that the student
or agent may be confused by receiving a proforma and an invoice for
the same amount.
Recommend to leave unticked.
Number of Customer Copies to Print
Customer copies of proforma or invoice to print,
typically 1.
Print Gross and Net Invoice (Memo and
If set, the agent will automatically receive 2 documents -
"Gross" and Net invoice or proforma.
The "Gross" invoice is called a "Memo"
document, so as not to be
confused with the accounting (net) invoice.
Days Before/After Arrival to Print Invoice
of days before (minus), or after arrival, the invoice is to be printed.
will default to the value set in the General Settings, but may be changed.
If the Ledger is in use, it is recommended that this is set to
Invoicing Rules
Always Credit and Re-Invoice
If set, once an
invoice has been produced, changes are reflected by crediting out the invoice in
full, then re-invoicing.
If not set, the system will invoice (or credit) the
Eg. Change from Course A (£300) to Course B (£250)
credit issued for £50.
The Credit Re-invoice option would credit
£300 and invoice £250.
Print Credit
If unticked, credit notes are not printed. However they are created
and may be reprinted from a student's enrolment documents, or the batch invoice
reprint. It is suggested that this is generally left unticked.
There is a
file utility to set this flag for all agents (either way) if
Booking (Enrolment) Fees
If set, the agent is charged enrolment fees*
(Booking fees)
This must be set if the "Gross" (invoice to
the student) needs to show the fee.
(*If the agent is NOT to be charged
the fee, add the Price Item in the pricing tab at 100% discount/commission. This
will allows the agent invoice to show the fee less 100% discount, and reminds
the agent that he is getting something for nothing! The "Gross" invoice provided
to the student will show the correct enrolment/registration fees).
Note: The registration fee above is set up as a Sundry Price Item and attached to the school - see below:
Gross Agent
(Reserve Commission)
Agents can be invoiced "Gross" and a commission
reserved, for future remittance.
Example (Gross Agent):
Course: £100
Net: £100 (charged)
(Commission 15%)
reserved £15 (paid later)
Example (Net
Course: £100
Net £85 (charged)
The agents' commission is paid via Agent Commission Payments:
Default will
automatically appear in a student's enrolment, for this agent.
Set if the
agent requests payments to be made by the student. This is only a "label" and
can be included in the reports. (Used in all Class Aged Debt Reports)
debt is still considered to be the agent's, and appears as such in the agent
On Student
Arrival, Default Invoicing To
This may be set to student, agent
or "none".
"None" will force the user to decide whether the agent or
the student is responsible for extensions.
Price List
Many agent
records will use the Master Price list (adjusted by a % discount/commission) and
no special price list will be shown.
If a price list is selected, items in it
will take precedence over the percentage discount/commission when prices are
Master Price Lists can be created, particularly useful if say, the EURO price is
different in each European country.
It is best to give consideration to the
structure and number of price lists before setting up the agents.
See Price Lists for details of how to create individual price lists for agents.
Tax Reference
Spare reference
Before entering any financial details, you are advised
to preset the defaults in the company
settings (Maintenance/Settings > General Settings > Company > Company):
date-controlled entries for pricing groups and individual price items
(discounts/commissions) to be established.
Agent Currency
Select as
After entry of the first enrolment, this field cannot be
changed. If an agent operates "multi-currency", then multiple agents must be set
up (Use Agent Copy option).
Student Currency
If items of
an enrolment are invoiced to the student, which currency applies?
Gross (Memo) Currency
The Gross (Memo)
invoice currency. The invoice passed to the student by the
Price List
Select the price list for this
Normally this is the "Master" (Gross) price list, but could be a
special one, eg. Eastern European, where the "Gross" prices have been reduced to
suit market conditions.
Adding a Default Rate
Add as required. In the
absence of an entry, zero will be assumed.
Category - Tuition, Accommodation, Transfers or Sundry
Price Group Type - General, Group or Item
To set these up, see:
General: this is a useful way
of collecting together a range of price items and discounting them in the same
way. For example, all long term General English price items could be grouped and
called "Long Courses", all Business Courses could be grouped and called
"Business Courses".
Each group would attract different rates of
Item: allows specific items to be
discounted/commissioned or priced separately:
From Date
The date applies to the "entered" date to the system, not
the start date of the item.
A single entry would apply a commission rate for
all entries.
1/1/2012 = 20%
Multiple entries in the table
could be used to provide incentives for early bookings.
1/1/2012 =
1/6/2012 = 20%
1/9/2012 = 25%
Discount/Commission Rate
discount/commission to be applied. Normally both values are the
If a net value is required then:
Click on
the "Load Price" button.
This will display the "Week 1" value.
Input the
net amount that you want to charge into the "Net Value" box and click on "Calc
This will display the percentage discount/commission in the "Discount %"
To move this value to both the "Discount Rate" and "Commission Rate"
boxes, click on the "Select" box.
Agent - Invoice Layouts
If the Class ledger is NOT in use, Receipt/Statement text
fields may not be available.
Finance Document Layouts
template documents to be used by the system.
are held in the Documents/Finance Documents section.
Finance Texts
Text lines (5 line x 90
characters), which appear at the bottom of each invoice, proforma etc.
Paste bank details/terms
etc into invoice template.
For many schools, the bank details can be
directly entered onto the invoice template. This is generally more presentable
than using the 5 text lines mentioned above.
Either address may be selected as the Invoice Address, instead of
the "General" address (see "Addressing" at the bottom of the screen).
Statement Address is not blank, the system will use this address as the
statement address, instead of the "General"
Set Correspondence Language, if
Only used if multiple correspondence language Word templates are
to be set up, eg. documents in Spanish, French, German etc.
'Direct' Agents, the default language is not used as this is
determined by the (same) setting on the student record.
Set the default
addresses for documents and invoices.
Printer/Fax/Email - fax is not advised unless a Windows compatible fax
system is in use.
Email format
Rich text is the default, but if
the agent advises that the email cannot be read, then try one of the other
formats or use PDF.
There is an option to change the email formats of all
agent records.
Preferences are
20 character values (set up in Settings).
Any number may be attached to an
Agents with preferences can be selected using Quick Reports, and
output to Excel or merged with a Word letter/email.
All student bookings are automatically
shown against the agent.
Lines in blue indicate a direct booking with commission set for the
Double-click on any line to display the student's
Commissions are created from Gross Invoices/Credits
(where the agent is marked as a "Gross Agent") or an extension where the student
is invoiced directly.
Commission due is only created when an invoice
is produced, not a proforma.
The display does not show the commission
"paid" (deducted from the Gross amount) to a "net" agent.
Commission Payments
Commission is not
automatically paid.
Payments are processed through "Commission
Statistics are dynamically calculated based on today's date
and assume a start year of 1st January.
Both of these dates may be changed as
Tuition only is the default value.
The selection defaults to "Commission
Direct bookings, where a commission agent is shown, will be listed
against the agent.
If Main Agent is selected, then the bookings above would
be attributed to the "Direct Agent".
The results can be presented in any
currency by selecting a different currency and an appropriate exchange rate.
An Excel summary can be displayed or detailed by double-clicking on the
required line (Tick "Create Excel Charts" to include charts).
Date excludes provisional bookings, but
includes cancelled bookings.
Cancelled bookings will net out
(in terms of weeks) but when shown in "Booking Stats" are shown as "+" (against
date created) and "-" (against cancelled date).
12/4/12 + 12 weeks
14/6/12 - 12 weeks (cancelled)
Production stats will net to zero in
the same period.
General information on statistical
The key values Class will only accurately report on
Student Weeks and Values
These 2
variables have a clear meaning and definition, and will in the main not change
even if admin procedures differ from school to
Student counts and Enrolment
These variables can be misleading and confusing
depending on how Class is operated.
Results can vary depending on time
ranges, selection criteria, and the impact of cancellations.
For this
reason, these 2 values are not recommended for statistical reporting.
Student count
We acknowledge that there is
a general interest in "how many students" (defined as the number of unique
student ID's in the period being reported on).
The only place where student
counts should be used is the "Agent Stats" tab and the "All School
Enrolment count
If required,
can be obtained from the "Statistics Generator" (Enrolment
Other places where "counts", "numbers" etc indicated are purely
computer counts and may not necessarily reconcile with any other figures.
Future releases on Class will have the captions changed to
Agent to login via the Web?
Set if this agent is allowed access via the
User Name
Enter a
user name (which must be unique for the system) up to 250 characters long.
will default to the agent's email address.
Up to 10
characters long, and case sensitive.
Verify Web Login User Name
After entry of a new
user name, you should verify that the name is unique.
However, the system
will always check before accepting the record.
Account Admin
An admin
user has the following additional right:
Amend the main user Name/Password
(top of screen)
Switch on/off the web enabling of contacts.
Sub Agents
Permission to access the accounts of Sub Agents (set up in the
table on the right hand side)
Contact Summary Details
contacts to be added/edited but not allowed to set contact as
Select as appropriate.
In the below
example, the user can view all information, except financial, but is not an
admin user:
Preferred Date Format
Set European or USA format
Sub Agent Accounts
An agent
may have more than 1 account (eg. multi-currency, group of agencies
These can be listed to enable a single access permission to all
3 notepads (total 7500
characters) are available for "permanent" type notes.
It is suggested that
variable notes, eg. notes about meetings with the agent are recorded in the
Dated Notes section.
are user-defined.
If Note 1 is to be displayed during enrolment
processing, the "Show Note
at Enrolment" is to be checked.
Dated Note has a number of features:
Pop Up Note Until
If a date is
entered, the note will automatically be displayed (during agent edit) until the
date is passed
Note History
Each time a "new
note" is added to progress the story, the user's ID/date/time are entered,
providing a chronological sequence of events.
Notes can only be changed (Edit
History) if the user has the relevant permission set or is an
Action By
The note can also be "sent"
to a user for action
Information Only
Users "sent" the
note as information only receive them in blue, making it easy for the user to recognise that they do not
need to take any action.
User Defined Fields
Any number of user-defined fields can be added to the agent record fields
can be grouped into sections for ease of use, as can be seen in the
above example: Marketing Lit 2011, Marketing Lit 2012, Marketing Lit 2013.
entry consists of: Section/Name/Date/Content and a Short Notice.
All fields
can be used in both Word merges and Quick Reports.
In the above example, the
field has been used to record a number (of brochures requested by John, in this
Copyright 2013
Infospeed Limited