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Booking & Production

Booking & Production

Select as appropriate - Booking OR Production Based.

Booking Stats - are based on the date the booking was entered into the system
Production Stats - are based on spreading the enrolment element (eg. Tuition) over the duration of the item (Course)

You should also consider unticking "Do Not Deduct Commissions..." to get a true worth of bookings.
These commissions are the reserved ones held for later payment to "Gross" agents or reserved commissions on extensions.
This makes the net value smaller, but more accurate.

Summary or Detailed
Always use Summary, the detailed report is for auditing the data.

Main or Commission Agent
It is recommended that the "Commission" agent be used for the statistics.
This means that direct bookings, which have a commission agent, will be attributed to the commission agent, not the "Direct" agent.

Select as appropriate

Include Provisional
Only tick if provisional enrolments are to be included.

Sort Fields
Select as appropriate:

Agent Countries
Add country filters if required

To make report smaller, deselect comparisons not required.

Restrict as appropriate.
Production stats allow the booking dates to be entered.
For example, you can measure the amount of "Production" this year attributable to bookings entered (received) this year.
When compared to last year, it can be seen whether the current year is more, or less, dependent on bookings received this year, thank it was in the previous year.

General Information on statistical values:

The key values Class will only accurately report on is:

Student Weeks and Values
These 2 variables have a clear meaning and definition and will in the main not change, even if admin procedures differ from school to school.

Other values:

Student Counts and Enrolment Counts
These variables can be misleading and confusing depending on how Class is operated.
Results can vary depending on time ranges, selection criteria, and the impact of cancellations.
For this reason, these 2 values are not recommended for statistical reporting.

Enrolment Counts
If required, can be obtained from the "Statistics Generator" (Enrolment Bookings).

Other place where "counts", "numbers" etc are indicated are purely computer counts and may not necessarily reconcile with any other figures. Future releases on Class will have the captions changed to "count".

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