




Company Name/Address
Details appear as background name to Class screens

Select "set" and colour options will be displayed

Check List
No longer used

Student Progress Defaults
The normal interval period and interval for academic testing, ie. days, weeks or months.
The setting operates in conjunction with the Progress module.

Excel Currency Format - Select format according to your country
The default is set to UK/USA, which shows the decimal point as a full stop and 2 decimal places.
If a comma is required, select the appropriate format. Options exist for 2 or 0 decimal places.

Prefix Currency Format
If set, Excel will include currency symbols in Excel where appropriate.

Standard Email Body Message
This is the standard text that will be entered for every email sent. Change as required.
Note: <Document_Name> can be used anywhere in the text and the system will insert the appropriate document name.




Days Before (-) or After (+) Arrival to Default Direct Student Address
Applies to Direct Student proformas and invoices only!

It may not be required to send an invoice/proforma to a direct student's home address, when the student is due to arrive at the school "shortly".
It may be better to change the address to "c/o the school" and hold the document, awaiting the student's arrival.
Enter the number of days before arrival, eg. -7.
Set to "999" if not required.

Default Direct Student Address

Enter the address to be used for the above, eg. "c/o the school".

Base Currency

Set the "local currency".

Default Tax Rate for No Pricing Found

If a price record does not exist for a given price item, the above will be used as the default tax rate for any value entered.

Agent for Direct Students
This is the default account to be used for direct students (typically called *Direct)
Direct students need to be recognised by the system, as special pricing rules apply, and invoices/credits are charged to a separate account for the student (not the agent).
Multiple direct accounts may be set up but this one will appear as the default.

Number of Lessons in a Day
The system maintains "Student Weeks" statistics, and there is no obvious conversion from "lessons" to "weeks".
Where "lessons" (as opposed to "weekly" courses) are sold (eg. one to one lessons), the number entered is used to equate the lesson to a "Week".
Eg. 4 lessons per day / 5 lessons days in a week equates to 20 lessons, which = 1 student week

Number of Lesson Days in a Week

(see above)

Number of Office Invoice Copies to Print

Default number of invoice copies

Number of Office Proforma Copies to Print
Default number of proforma copies

Print Office Copy of Memos?
If set, an office copy of the memo (gross) document is printed.
Generally, there is little need to print a copy, as a reprint of the agent's copy can always be produced.

Use Lowest Discount Available Method

This is a reserved field and should not be used unless instructed by Infospeed.
This overrides the sub price lists.
In this scenario, the sub price list system is used to indicate the minimum price an item may be sold for.

In determining the agent discount/commission on a finance line, the system will use the sub price list if this represents a smaller discount, than the rate set in the agent's record.
Course A = £100 per week
Sub price list = £75
Agent discount = 20% (£80 per week)
The system will only allow 20% discount/commission.

Force Unique School Price Item Codes?
Select if all price items (for a school) are to have a unique code allocated to them.
This is normally required if Class imports booking data from an external source.

Student Enquiry Source Mandatory?

Only select if the Enquiry Source is to be mandatory

Student Enquiry Channel Mandatory?

Only select if Enquiry Channel is to be mandatory
Enrolment Block Date

Warns users when entering enrolments (and groups) beyond a specific date, eg. 31/12/12


Invoice Customer Copies
Default number of copies to print for agent

Invoice Due Period
Days before (-) or after (+) student arrival, invoice is due for payment.
It is recommended that this is left at 0, then for consistency on aged debt report, transactions are considered overdue if student has arrived.

Send Customer Proformas
Set, if default is to produce proformas, otherwise system will always produce invoices.

Print Invoice if same as Proforma?
Customer copy of the invoice may be suppressed if the value is the same as the last proforma.
This may be used for direct students, eg. a proforma is printed, but the student may be confused when a further (similar looking) document is printed (ie. the invoice). In this case the customer copy of the invoice may be suppressed. (The office copy is still produced).

Always Credit and Re-Invoice?
Once an invoice has been printed, changes will be actioned by crediting out the enrolment and re-invoicing.
If not set, the system will invoice "the changes" only.
Crediting out items that change and re-invoicing them again, all on the same document (invoice or credit note).

Print Credit Notes?
Deselect if agents/students are not to receive credit notes

Choose from prospective, agent, suspended or inactive

Send By
Choose from printer, fax or email

Email format
Choose from MS Word, Rich Text, HTML, Simple Text or PDF

Invoicing Layouts
The layout format for each invoice type is selected.
Layouts can be displayed - see Documents > Finance > Invoice

Batch Invoicing

Print Proformas?
If set, proformas are selected for printing in the batch run

Days Before Student Arrival
Set the number of days, eg. 999 will select all proformas (not invoices) for students arriving within 999 days (approximately 3 years!) of today.
30 days would delay the printing of proformas until 30 days before arrival.
-30 days would print 30 days after arrival.

Print Invoices?
If set, invoices are printed in the batch run.
The days (before or after arrival) for printing invoices are determined from the value set in the agent's record.
It is important that the Batch Invoice runs are processed at least weekly to ensure all proformas are converted to invoices.

Allow Settings to be Changed at Run Time?
If set, may be changed at run time.
It is recommended that a consistent approach be made to the printing of financial documents.
It may therefore be desirable to disallow changes to be made at run time.


Accounting Codes
Set the field types/sizes for each of the accounting codes.

Trust Accounting

Initial Deduction -
the amount that may be excluded from Trust Account immediately once cash is received
Arrival Deduction -
the amount that may be excluded from Trust Account on arrival
Days Offset -
the number of days after arrival that further monies may be taken from Trust Account
Spread -
if ticked, the balance of cash is spread over the period of that category, eg. Tuition



Except for Last Payment, Pay in Whole Weeks?
If set, will automatically "round" the calculated payment to the nearest whole week (except the final payment).
It is recommended that this set.
3 weeks/3 days = pay 3 weeks
3 weeks/4 days = pay 4 weeks

If the payment being made crosses 2 price bands, the system will round each price band to "whole" weeks.

Payment for "odd" days - if the "pay in whole weeks" option is selected, the system will apply the "daily" rates in the price list to add any "odd" days at the end of a booking.
If not, selected the system will pay (for all payments) odd days pro rata to the weekly rate.

In summary, if specific daily rates (not pro rata) are to be applied (for odd days at end of stay) then set system to pay in "whole weeks".

On Departure, Automatically Pay on Next Run?
Automatically set to be "in use"

Dates Before/After Arrival Payment to Start?
How many days after (if before, enter a negative value) the start of accommodation, payment will commence.
A typical example is 14 days.
The student is in the family for 2 weeks before payment commences.

Number of Paid Days at a Time
A typical example is 28 days (4 weeks).
Linked to the above example, would mean "2 weeks in arrears, 2 weeks in advance". A family with a student staying up to (or more) than 28 days will commence the payment cycle when 28 or more days are due to be paid.

Trailing Days
The number of extra days, at the end of an enrolment, a family can be paid before needing to wait for the next payment due date.
A typical example is 2, allowing the family of a student that stays 12 weeks 2 days, to be paid for the last 4 weeks/2 days in one go.
This saves 2 payments, one of 4 weeks, and one of 2 days.

Normal Interval Between Payment Runs
If payment runs are normally done every week, then enter 7 (days).
This setting allows the system to best guess the dates for the next payment run.
The information can be changed at run time.

Company Bank Details
For host family BACS payments

Host Room Expiry Dates
These are the parameters that allow "unavailability" to be set against an accommodation record (typically a residence) and automatically cancelled after the "Default Days". The day before expiry, when the user signs on, a list of reserved accommodations about to expire are listed. These may be extended by 1 day (only) if required.




File Paths / SMS Text 


Invalid paths are shown in red

SMS Account ID
ID is supplied by Infospeed and identifies your account for charging purposes

SMS User Name and Password
Supplied by Infospeed and provides access to the text messaging system

SMS Caller ID
12 character field which will display on recipient's mobile as the "caller"

SMS Text Footer
Data entered will automatically be added as a footer to each text message.

SMS Credit Balance
Number of unused credits.
SMS - costs and country/network coverage.
Please contact Infospeed Support for the latest information on SMS Text coverage and text credit costs.

Web Access
Web Enabled Module only

Block Student... After Their Departure
Set the number of days after departure for a student to no longer have access to their details

Allows Students/Agents to View Booked Host Details...
This restricts agents and students from seeing accommodation details (host name/address etc) until "n" days prior to arrival.
This allows the school time to ensure details are committed before allowing them to be viewed on the web.

Delay Online Bookings To Start...
This stops (if required) online bookings being entered for "immediate" start (eg. Sunday booking with accommodation for Monday start!).
A typical setting might be 7, giving the school 7 days minimum notice. The system adds 7 days to today's date in order to determine the valid start dates.

Remote User-Default Permissions
Set defaults for agents, accommodation & students.
These will be created each time a new record is added.


Class allows the use of Outlook or SMTP functions for sending email directly from the system.
If email recipients experience difficulties with reading email attachments sent via Outlook then the SMTP option should be used.
SMTP is the recommended option for sending emails via Class.

SMTP Server address is required but SMTP login etc is only entered if authentication is required.

Copyright 2013 Infospeed Limited