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Course and Holiday

Enrolment - Booking - Course & Holidays


Notes can be "popped up" from the Price or the Course record.

The top of the screen is the "Finance Course Header", and is used to calculate the invoice value.
The bottom half is the "Course Booking", reflecting the Course (or Courses), used by the academic system.


From Date / To Date / Weeks / School

Details automatically entered by Class. The "From Date" will default to the first Monday after the arrival date. Change dates or duration if required.


Price Item
Select the Price Item, by searching or entering the Code if known.

After a Price Item has been selected only dates can be changed. If the wrong Item has been entered it has to be cancelled and re-entered.

If a price item is sold in "Units" (not date based), then the user will be prompted to enter the number of "lessons".

Code (of the price item) automatically entered by Class.


Code (of the price item) automatically entered in Class.


Booked Weeks means the actual duration

Charge Weeks means the charged duration

Charge Rate  means the r ate used for booking

Permission settings will need enabling to allow results which produce "lower" prices, based on the 3 variables above, to be changed.


If the Price Item is sold in units eg. a lesson rate for 1 to 1 lessons, then the user is prompted for the number of lessons to be booked.


Active or Cancelled


Invoice Agent / Student

If the student is to be invoiced, select "Invoice Student".


Details are automatically entered based on the Price record "Course"


*** Course changes: the examples below cover most options so check which item applies. Users may need to adapt the suggested solution according to individual school processes or requirement ***

A.  Student Booking - Changing Course (before arrival):

Eg. Change from Course A to Course B (£100 extra or less)

Enrolment: Cancel tuition booking and re-enter. Finance automatically increased.

Reissue proforma or invoice as appropriate.

Advise student extra money is due.

If Class Ledger is used consider sending a Statement.

B.  Student Booking - Changing Course (after arrival) - Refund Due

E.g. 1 week Course A, then 3 weeks Course B (cheaper)

Enrolment: Shorten Course A and Add Course B.

School allows Refunds.

Refund the Student and post the refund to the student's account.

C.  Student Booking - Changing Courses (after arrival) - No Refund

E.g. 1 week Course A, then 3 weeks Course B (cheaper)

Enrolment: Shorten Course A and Add Course B.

School does not allow refund.

Adjust the price of Course B to leave total tuition unchanged.


D.  Agent Booking - Changing Course (before arrival):

E.g. Change from Course A to Course B (£100 extra or less)

Enrolment: Cancel tuition booking and re-enter. Finance automatically updated.

Reissue proforma or invoice as appropriate.


E. Agent booking - Changing Course (after arrival) - Refund Due

1 week Course A, then 3 weeks Course B (cheaper)

Enrolment: Shorten Course A, and Add Course B.

Reissue proforma or invoice as appropriate.

Agent allows Refunds.

Ask the Agent how much he wishes the student to be refunded, or calculate the refund due. Refund the student, and post the refund amount (cash/cheque) to the Agent's account. The agent's account will now show a credit for the cancelled course net (say £320) and (say £400) refund (gross). The net effect of this transaction is the agent is charged £80, being the loss of commission on the cancelled element of the course.


F. Agent booking - Changing Course (after arrival) - No Refund

1 week Course A, then 3 weeks Course B (cheaper)

Enrolment: Shorten Course A, and Add Course B.

Agent does not allow refunds!

Amend as described but change the price of Course B to = the original value (same price as course A), leaving values in total the same.

Produce new proforma or invoice as appropriate. As values do not change, optionally send copy to Agent.


G. Agent booking - Shorten Course (after arrival) - Refund Due

4 weeks Course A, changes to 2 weeks Course A

Enrolment: Shorten Course A

Reissue proforma or invoice as appropriate.

Agent allows Refunds.

Ask the Agent how much he wishes the student to be refunded, or calculate the refund due. Refund the student, and post the refund amount (cash/cheque) to the Agent's account. The agent's account will now show a credit for the cancelled course net (say £320) and (say £400) refund (gross). The net effect of this transaction is the agent is charged £80, being the loss of commission on the cancelled element of the course.


H. Agent booking - Shorten Course (after arrival) - No Refund

4 weeks Course A, changes to 2 weeks Course A

Enrolment: Shorten Course A

Agent does not allow refunds!

Amend dates for Course A and when the system asks if refinancing is required - answer No!


I. Agent booking -Course Extension (Student pays)

Option 1:Invoice the Student and reserve commission (optional) for the Agent.

Enrolment: Add a second course entry within the same enrolment for the same course, covering the extended dates.

Tick the box "Invoice Student"


Remember to extend the departure date and any other items affected by the change, accommodation, departure transfer etc


Option 2: Invoice and post the payment (from the student) to the Agent.

Enrolment: Add a second course entry with the same enrolment for the same course, covering the extended dates.
Tick the box "Invoice Agent"



Remember to extend the departure date and any other items affected by the change, accommodation, departure transfer etc


Holidays (no financial adjustment)


First, extend enrolment departure date if Course is to be extended.

"Insert Holiday" allows Course holiday breaks to be inserted into an existing Course booking. This effectively causes the Course booking to be split into two bookings, unless the holiday break starts or finishes on the Course booking start or finish date. No change to the total financial value of the Course is made.



Before the Holiday function can be used, the following must be set up:



The Holiday Break is actioned as follows:

1. Finance - split pro rata (based on tuition days)
2. Bookings - course(s) are split either side of the Holiday Break
3. Classes are split either side of the Holiday Break
4. If set, the student is automatically added to the "Holiday Break" class.

Booking - before inserting a Holiday Break:

Finance - before inserting a Holiday Break:

Insert a Holiday Break:

The booking may be extended, or left unchanged (student loses the time). There is no change to the value of the Course Finance.

Two parts of the Course Booking - either side of the Holiday Break - see also Holiday Class, automatically inserted!

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