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Main Functions

Adding new courses
Editing existing courses

Mandatory, keep it short and meaningful as this can be used instead of the description where space is short, eg. Quick Reports.

Untick if course is no longer selected during enrolment processing.

30-character name (does not print on invoice - price list name is printed on invoice)

Select or enter code

Course Group
See "settings" for set up for course groups

Assigned to Price Items
If the price list has not been set up, exit setting up the course and create the price item first, then return again to the courses to add the price item.
The course points to the price list (school dependent)
The price item points to the course (school dependent)

A course may be "attached" to several price items.

Course Days
Tick either Mon-Fri or Sun-Sat only.

From/To Date
Only enter dates if the course has a single date range.
No dates are required where there is no single start date, eg. continuous enrolment courses

Minimum Students
Reference only but may be used in reports/documents

Maximum Students
Reference only but may be used in reports/documents

Number of Lessons
May be used in reports/documents, eg. certificates. Also used by the "Enforce Lesson Limit" rule on the price item record (if set). See Price Maintenance help documents for further information.

Number of Hours
Reference only but may be used in reports/documents, eg. certificates.

English UK Category

English UK Age

Multiple Classes
Used by automatic classing.
Set if students may be put into more than 1 class at the same time (eg. morning/afternoon), when attending this course.
(In classing, a warning message displays if the rule is broken, but can be overridden)

Analysis - User-Defined Fields
Set in system settings - can be made mandatory.
Analysis 1-6 are used for character values (1-30 characters)
Analysis 7-8 are used for numeric values (+/- 9,999,999)
Analysis 9-10 are date fields

Example - a student goes on a vacation (holiday)
Set up a Price Item called "vacation", a nil value and a statistical factor of zero. Create a Course called "Vacation".
In the booking screen the vacation item can be booked for the holiday period.
The classing system can then either reflect that the student is booked into a special class called "Vacation", or is left in the last class.

Default Classes
Used for automatically setting Holiday Classes, or classes where no language level is involved.

Language Names


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