Help > Documents > Enrolment >


All master template documents work in a similar way.
Each master document consists of a Word document with a Header that identifies and controls its use in the system.

As "Enrolment Documents" are the most commonly used, these are explained in detail here.
All other documents work in the same way, just the fields available may be different!

Select WORD (or double-click highlighted document) to amend.
Select ADD to create a new document
Select EDIT HEADER to amend header details
Select COPY to copy an existing student
Select DELETE to remove master document (this will not remove existing saved documents).

ADD - create a new document

Document Header:


Master Name
Enter the document name (maximum 30 characters).
As these are listed in alpha order, it may be useful to start with the type of document, eg. Agent..., Student..., Accommodation...

Accept the default entered by the system, or overtype with own code (not important)

Official Document
Set this if the document is to be used in an official capacity, eg. for storing copies of students' passports or visa documents

Send To
Select Student, Agent, Accommodation or School.
If a document may be sent to more than 1 receiver, eg. student or agent, then 2 master documents are required.
This is important if the document is to be emailed, as this determines the default email address to be used.

Select a school if the document does not apply to all schools; otherwise select "All Schools".
A single document designed for use by all schools is generally advised, and reduces the number of documents required.

Leave as "default language", unless the same document is to be created in more than 1 language.
Select a specific language if multiple languages apply. It is suggested that unless you intend to make full use of language documents, then the occasional foreign language letter is best left as "default language".

A, B, C
These are spare selection fields, not generally used.
The headings may be changed in Settings.

Enter any notes associated with this document.

Merged Example
Creating a new document is easiest shown by example, and the layout below has been chosen to demonstrate various aspects of a Word Master document.

Template example (showing merge fields)

The merge field name may be longer than the field being merged, (eg. [Course-Header.dteFromDate/1} is a date field) and "wrapping" may occur in the master document. Word will sort this out when merged!

Use of Tables
Tables are very useful to ensure fields are neatly lined up.
Word allows the table to be hidden if not required when document is displayed or printed (Word > Format > borders and shading).
Alternatively, use tabs rather than the space bar to line up fields.

Tables are also useful if multiple entries of the same item are to be allowed.
For example, if an enrolment could consist of 1,2 or 3 courses, then a table provides the ability to allow a single document to be used to display 1,2 or 3 courses.
In the above example, the course has been entered 4 times. The first entry line has all items suffixed /1 and the second entry line /2, meaning the first and second occurrence. If only one entry exists, the second line is suppressed.
Where fields contain more than one suffix eg. 1/1/1 or 1/1, although there is logic and meaning to the suffixes, in order to use "occurrence 1" and "occurrence 2" etc. change the last digit first and work inwards until you get correct results:


Then try:
1/2/1 etc.
Trial and error eventually give correct results.

Class will not recognise "hand drawn" tables, so always use the table "Insert" option. Hand drawn (or erased) lines may be used once the table is established.

Merge Fields in text
Merge fields within text should be minimised if untidy wrapping is to be avoided.
For example, including a student's name in a text line might result in the first name and the surname appearing on 2 separate lines!

Today's Date
A date needing updating each time the document is merged requires the use of the "Insert - Date and Time" function within Word, eg. letter/document date.

Tick the "Update automatically" box if the date is to be updated each day.

Merge Fields
To find the field required, click on the category most likely to contain that field.
Trial and error will soon provide the answer required.


Categories marked with a "+" can be expanded by clicking on them.
Fully expanded categories are marked with a "-" and are contracted by clicking on them again.
Several fields selected from the same category can be placed on a document by selecting 'Insert' or by double-clicking each field separately.

Insert as Critical
Critical fields are used to warn when important data is missing, eg. host name, in a letter confirming accommodation booking.
After selecting the field, tick the critical check box before inserting. This will show the field in red on the document.
A document with a critical field being merged will produce a warning if that field is not present, although the merge will still continue.
(On a document batch run, the document will not merge and an error report will show the error).

Formatting Dates/Numbers

A predefined list of formats has been provided for dates and numerical values.
This allows documents to be shown with dates in a range of formats, eg. a certificate could show dates as 29 October 2012 rather than say 29/Oct/12.


To apply "field formatting", highlight the merge field in the document (see above), select the format required and "apply".

Before applying format: [Enrolment.dteFrom Date]
After applying format: <[Enrolment.dteFromDate]dd-MMMM-yyyy]>

Fields - available for enrolment documents
For a new user to this process, the list of fields may be a little daunting, so it may be quicker to use the shortened list below.
However, the list below only contains a small fraction of the fields available, so if your requirement is not there, then you will need to use the list provided in the "Word Edit" list.

Saving the document
It is best to use the Save button on the Word Edit box (see above).
This will save and close down automatically. Using the Word save options is valid, but always save using the default file name and location provided.

Merge Fields


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