Enrolment Quick Reports All "Quick
Reports" work in the same way. First, select an
existing report for editing, or create a new report. Report Types Defining a Report Give the report
a name (this may be changed later if required). Items for
selection are assembled in groups, enrolments, course booking, accommodation
etc. The below shows
a section of the Enrolment Group (sub-section Student).
on the item (Surname) or highlighting it & selecting "Add" will transfer the
item to the report. Main sections of an enrolment report: Enrolment In the example
report being created, the sections required are: Cancelled enrolments are automatically excluded. Do the same for
Accommodation Booking and Transfer Item. By clicking on
"Criteria", a list of the available options will appear. To ensure the
system is able to select students that do not have a course, perhaps just
accommodation, an additional test is required. "Equals to Null" You can either
have the comparison set as "Equal To", and select all the items to be included,
or you could select "Not Equal To" and select only cancelled (see below): Either of the
above will give the desired result.
If any of the
selected or sort fields are in the wrong order, just highlight the line and drag
it up or down the list.
If you are
unsure about a particular records, highlight it (double-click or select "Edit")
and the enrolment record will be displayed. Subtotalling allows a range of options, for
example, you may wish to count the number of entries shown in Excel on change of
school. Note: Sum and Average should only be used on numeric
The above output
to Excel can have the headings tidied up, and by repeating the "Search" process,
highlighting the heading needing to be changed, and then changing it.
View Documents If the "Select
Now" option is not set, then the documents are added to the documents for "Batch
Printing" later. Example of Agent Labels: Templates are in
Word and can be further edited and saved for the next merge. More detailed explanations: Code Date Filter
As enrolments are the
most common type of report, a very simple enrolment report, listing all students
arriving in a particular week is used here as an example.
Select "Enrolment
Other enrolment types are listed and differ
from the general type primarily in the "First/Main" sort key.
So for example, if the report is needed in "Course" order,
then Coursing Finance or Booking Report type should be selected.
By clicking on each type, the sort sequence can be seen.
Selecting the right also affects
Before you
start, jot down the items you want to report to contain, eg:
Arrival Date
Coursing Booking
Accommodation Start Date
Accommodation Name
Accommodation HF
- Surname/Forename
Accommodation Address Line 1
Accommodation Telephone
Transfer Date
headings such as school, date filter etc. can be ignored for the time being.
Select "Add Item" and the list box
below will be displayed:
It is a matter of judgement (or trial and error)
to select the appropriate group, and the field within the group that you
(Click on the '+' to open up each section).
This list of items will look
something like the above.
You will need to bear in mind
Quick Reports is looking for the selected records without any knowledge! This
means it does not know whether you want cancelled records included or not.
In this case, cancellation records are not required, so the
system has to be told.
Cancelled enrolments are automatically excluded, by the
selection of "Exclude" "Cancellations" (see below School/Date filter)
Course Finance Item
Course Booking
Accommodation Finance Item
Accommodation Booking Item
Transfer Item
Sundry Item
Course Booking
Accommodation Booking
However, the detail item, eg. course booking, may be active
or cancelled.
Therefore the status for each of the
sections used needs to be added to the report so a test can be made as to
whether the items in each section are active or not.
Select the Booking Status Name and add it to
the report.
The end of the report will look something like the
As the "Comparison" is pre-set as "Equal To", "Active" can
be highlighted and "Set" pressed.
This means
that if there is no course ('null' means 'nothing'), continue to the next test.
Without this test, if the student does not have a
course, the system will not continue to check other elements of the student's
The above principle
applies to selecting records that match to any criteria.
Examples: Selecting specific
agents, countries, courses etc.
Sorting the results:
The selected
records must be sorted. For this exercise, Student Surname and Student
Forename are selected:
The "Include" column allows
items to be included in the report.
In the above
example, the "Status" fields are not required to be printed (only required for
testing), so would NOT be ticked.
Now you can run
the report by clicking on "Search", & you will see the below:
By clicking
on "Send to Excel", you will be presented with the 2 below report
None = no sub total
Count = show the number of records
Sum = show the total for all records
Average = show the mean value for all record
Maximum = show the largest value of all records
Minimum = show the smallest value of all records
Document record
for the highlighted enrolment is shown, allowing documents to be added, if
Send Document
This small button
is a major feature of the Quick Reports process.
here, the selected records can be sent to a document. In the above example, it
is a certificate.
This method could be "Email", so for
example if this was a list of all your French agents, you send all of them a
marketing email.
HOW? Change
"Method" to "Email", and then tick the "Send To All" option:
Send As Labels
Fields selected
can output as a label.
Select from the existing list of
formats, or select "User Defined", and create your own design. Header, footers
and margin controls are provided. This is normally all that is required for
Name/Address labels.
If more control over the label is
required, then when Word creates the template it can be further edited at that
stage, and saved.
This is useful for example, if
"Labels" are required for say Meal Tickets.
Enter a quick reference code.
Dates are only used
by enrolment reports.
On all other types of report,
these fields are disabled.
Select the type of filter to be used:
None = date filter not used
Starting = test on a range of arrival dates
Finishing = test on a range of departure dates
Present = test if student is present between these dates
If a date filter is used, enter
the range of dates to be included. BOTH dates must be valid.
If selected, the
program checks the matching records after sorting.
more than 1 record is identical, only the first will be included.
Note: all selected fields on the record are checked,
not just the sort fields.
The full current
selection criteria are displayed in the left-hand box.
If the selection
criteria consists of more than 1 test, an operator of "Or" or "And" will be
This is the test to
be made against the value entered.
"Equal To" =
record value is the same as the test value
"Not Equal
To" = record value is NOT the same as the test value
"Greater or Equal" = record value is NOT LESS than the test
"Greater Than" = record value is MORE than the
test value
Enter value to be used as
a test, if it not possible to pick from the list in the left-hand
The first 50 actual
values for this field are automatically displayed, so highlight a value and
select "Set" (in the above example, "Active" has been selected)
Next 50
Click to display the
next 50 actual values for this field.
Click to remove the
current selection criteria.
the above example, records will only be included on the report if the booking
status is set to "Active".
More options...
"Less or Equal" = record value is NOT MORE than the test
"Less Than" = record value is LESS than the test
"Similar To" = text fields only
"Starts With" = text fields only
"Ends With" = text fields only
Null" = a value is not present
"Is Not Null" = a value
is present
For numerical values
"Greater or Equal to 3" will exclude 1 and 2
"Less of Equal to 3" will only exclude 1,2 and 3
Similar tests
can be applied to dates and text
Note: text field sequences are determined by comparing
each character in turn. Each character is tested on its position in the ASCII
conversion table. In this table, letters are in alphabetical sequence, with all
upper case characters before any lower case ones.
Numbers precede any letters. All other print characters do
not have any obvious sequence. These can lead to unexpected results if they are
at the start of the text, eg. the following fields are in ascending sequence:
"1ABC", "2ABC", "ABCD", "ABDD", "abcd".
The last 3 comparisons only work for text values.
To "abc" will match with any record where the field contains "abc" anywhere in the text.
Starts With "abc" will match with any record where
the text in that field starts with "abc".
Ends With "abc" will match with any record where the
text in that field ends with "abc".
Text Messaging
By clicking on "Text", all students with a mobile phone number will be displayed. Unwanted ones can be "dropped". Click Send.
A message will be displayed confirming message has been sent to the network provider (not necessarily received by the mobile phone user), alternatively an error message will be displayed.
A log of texts sent is kept here:
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Infospeed Limited