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Student Progress

Student Progress


Below is an example of a student's progress record.
There are 2 main sections, and either or both may be set up and used.

Classing Scores
This shows a history of score/level results.
The scores and levels equate to a table in system settings (Maintenance/Settings > Settings > Academic > Academic Levels)

Student Progress
This shows a more detailed history of a student's progress.
The 'headings', called "progress categories" are defined in the system settings (Maintenance/Settings > Settings > Admissions > Progress Categories).
There is NO limit to the number of categories, but the screen size will limit to approximately 9.
The 'scores' themselves (1,2,3 etc) are defined in (Maintenance/Settings > Settings > Admissions > Progress Levels).

Review Every...Weeks
This can be altered manually, but there is a system setting to determine the normal default: Maintenance/Settings > Settings > Company > Company > General

Reporting/Use of information
Various Word Merge reporting options exist (Documents > Enrolment > Progress)

Example 1 - Progress Profile (showing last 3 results by date)

Example 2 - Progress Profile (showing score text)

Example 3 - Progress Profile (showing last 3 scores)

Example 4 - Progress Profile (description)

Batch Entry

Most of the criteria is self-explanatory, but if "Course Groups" are not currently used, it may be useful to create groups to represent the courses where students are to be assessed. Alternatively, use may be made of Class Types to assist in the process.

The system will check the Assessment due date on each enrolment.
The date for new enrolments is automatically set as the Monday morning following the date of arrival.
This date is maintained if the arrival date is changed.


Note: Students in multiple classes multiple times.
The use of Class types or classes themselves, used selectively in the selection criteria, may be used to remove duplicates.

Print Forms
A single form for each student is printed (no display option)


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