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View Reports

View Reports

Crystal Reports

Crystal Reports Designer (only available if the developer's version of Crystal is installed).
If Seagate Crystal V8 is installed, click on this to design your own reports.

View Crystal Reports
Click on this to run all reports designed using Crystal.
These may be the standard reports that come with the system or any reports defined by the user.

Click this to add a new report to the list of user-defined reports:

Category - select the category under which the report is to be listed:

Enrolment Reports
Group Reports
Student Reports
Agent Reports
Accommodation Reports
Transfer Reports
School Reports
Course Reports
Class Reports
Teacher Reports
Contact Reports
Financial Reports

Report File Name - enter the name of the report:

This may be entered manually, if known, or by clicking the spin button to use the search facility.

Note: the location of all reports is defined in the system settings, eg. v:\cfwsql\reports
Any new user-defined report must be copied to this location.

Code - enter a quick reference code (10 characters maximum)

Description - enter the report description to appear on the report list (30 characters maximum)

Click this to amend the details of a user-defined report (eg. category or description).
Note this will not change the report itself, only the details that appear in the user-defined report menu.
By changing the category, the position of the report in the menu can be changed.
By changing the Report File Name, a different report can be called with the same description.
Standard reports cannot be amended.

Click this to remove a user-defined report from the User Defined menu.
Note this will not delete the actual report.
Standard reports cannot be amended.

Click this to run the report.
Any parameters required by the report must be entered at this point.

Click this to amend a user-defined report using Crystal.
Standard reports cannot be opened.

Click this to make a copy of the report list details.
Note this will only copy the menu details, not the actual report itself.
These copy details may then be edited.
Standard reports my be copied.

Enrolment Reports (to use as an example)

A variety of standard reports are available and users are advised to run each one in turn to check the contents of each.
(Please find below an example of some enrolment reports)

The following may be found particularly useful:

Enrolment Accommodation Booking - run each day!
Enrolment Transfer reports
Group Summary


Enrolment Accommodation Booking

Enrolment Transfer Detailed

Enrolment Transfer Summary

Enrolment Arrivals

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