Help > Accommodation Menu > Processes >


You will be presented with a list of all current accommodation providers.


45 characters each for Surname/Forename

5 lines at 30 characters, and 20 for line 6 (can be used for PTC).
It is recommended that Postal and Zip Codes are entered as a continuation of the address and not reserved for line 6.
This avoids Word (when using Class template documents) displaying blank lines in an address when merged, eg, where the PTC is 2 or 3 lines after the address has finished.

Fax and email are used by the system (fax/email) interface to Outlook.
Tel/Fax 20 characters each. Be consistent with the format, eg. if a standard letter (to be sent to the student/agent) is to contain the international prefix (0044), then perhaps the telephone number should contain the local prefix in an international format, eg. (0)1202, not 01202.

Mobile Number
Enter the format CCnnnnnnnnnnn. where CC is the country code for the mobile, excluding "00" or "+", eg. for UK, 44.
Drop the leading zero, eg. 07881456987 becomes 447881456987.
The mobile number may be used in conjunction with the text messaging option within Class.

Send SMS
Tick if mobile may be used for contact.

System allows direct code input (for enrolment processing) instead of using the Name Search.
Note: Code is not forced to be unique, but it is advisable to make it so.

Automatically compiled from Title/First/Surname. Amend as required.

Salutation (Position)
Spare field or may be used for a salutation, if required.
For example, when constructing a standard Word document to the family, it may start Dear ???.
If ??? can be automatically created by the system, eg. "First Name" or "Title/Surname", then there is no need for a salutation, but if each family is to be treated individually (ie. one family Dear Mrs Able, and the next Dear Jan), then a salutation will be needed to reflect individual preferences.

Correspondence Language
Not required if all documents to families are in the local language.

If used, the specific language filter will apply when adding documents for merging to this family.
This will not affect 'enrolment'-based documents. (Documents will need to be written for all the languages used)

ONLY active families are available in the matching process.
Suspended = not used, due to current problems
Inactive = no longer used

Types of accommodation (see Settings)

Payment Price List

Master Price List - this is NOT normally changed!
However, if the family is paid different rates to the norm, then a different price list should be entered.
Special payment price lists for families are unusual and to ensure these price lists are not entered by accident, at least one payment report will identify where a special payment price list is used.
This field also has a separate User Permission to allow it to be changed.
The currency for paying hosts is set in the school record (see Admin/School).

A spare date filed but frequently used as "date of last visit".
Quick Reports may be used to select, based on this date, eg. a list of families requiring a visit.

Pay Accommodation
Tick if payment is to be made by the Accommodation Payment routine.
Hotels, residences are normally not set for payment.

Hold Payments
Tick if all payments for this accommodation are to be put on hold (normally temporary).

User Defined Fields
Set in System Setting - can be mandatory.
Analysis 1-6 are used for character values (1-30 characters)
Analysis 7-8 are used for numeric values +/- 9,999,999 (whole numbers only)
Analysis 9-10 are date fields

Unavailable (button)
If the whole accommodation is not available for any period of time, this provides the option to add as many date ranges as required, indicating to the system any dates when no students should be booked.

Each room has the same function to allow individual rooms to be set to unavailable.

Payments (button)
Shows a history of payments made.
Manual payments may also be made (select "Manual" button). If the Manual button is NOT highlighted, check the System Settings to see if it has been disabled.

Documents (button)
List of all documents sent to the Host family.
These are not enrolment type documents (eg. confirmation of booking), they are documents sent to the family which are unrelated to bookings. For example, terms and conditions, general information documents.

Log (button)
A list of operators, dates and times of last amendments, to the accommodation record.

Contact (button)
Extra contact names and addresses. Not frequently used.

Text Messaging

When a message is sent, under "Status" you will see a "sent or delivered" message, which means the message has been received by the network provider, eg. Orange, Verizon etc, not necessarily the mobile phone user.

 "Credit Charged" shows how many credits you have been charged for sending this particular message.

You also have a log to show you what previous text messages you have sent:


These may simply describe areas, but they could equally represent distances from the school, tube or bus station stops.

1-99, eg. 1 = good, regularly used family / 2 = ok family / 5 = use only if desperate

Criteria used in the matching process (set up in Settings/Accommodation).
The same criteria list is used in an enrolment to indicate the student's preferences.
The matching process enables Class to find available families matching the criteria entered.

Add as required. A school must be present for the accommodation to be selected.


Rooms MUST be set up.
Without rooms and their capacity, the accommodation cannot be used.
Use short names for each room adding any special feature in the name, eg. Single 1 / Single 2 Ensuite / Twin 1 / Twin 2 with sea view

Special considerations for Double Rooms - it may be best to set the capacity to "1" to ensure a second student is not matched by accident.
If a partner is set to occupy the room, the system will warn that it is overbooked, but can then be overridden.

Special considerations for Twin Rooms -
If Set = 1 - if a "twinning" service is not provided, eg. twin rooms only used where 2 students specifically request to be together
If Set = 2 - if a school operates a "twinning" service

Add unavailability dates for the room.
If the whole accommodation is not available, use the Unavailability button beneath the Contacts button.

Temporary Unavailability
Typically used by telesales operators temporarily wanting to hold a room (for example a residence) until a booking is received from the agent.
This function needs "switching on" first. Switch on within the Class Settings Module.
Edit the company details and select the "Accommodation" tab. There you will find the below setting:

Select "Expiry Dates in use" to switch on the new feature and enter the number of days that an unavailability entrance will expire after.
Once these details are set and saved, you can then apply them to any Class user by editing the Class user's details and switching on the "Accommodation Room Reserve Force Expiry Date" permission.
If an administrator is requiring this facility, they must set this permission to ON.

When users (with this option switched on in their user details) add an unavailability entry against a room, the expiry date will automatically be set and their name assigned:


When users log on to Class, room unavailability that has expired will be purged from the system and unavailability that is due to expire the following day (for that user) will automatically be displayed on the screen, giving the user the option to extend the expiry of any entries listed.
If selected, the entry's expiry date will be extended by one day.
The option to extend an entry is only available once; it cannot be extended a second time.


This shows a historical list of all students booked in this accommodation.
Double-click on a student to see their enrolment details.


Bank Details
Enter details if payment is to be made by Bank Transfer (BACS if UK), or if a list of payments and bank details is required (eg. for entry into a standalone system).

Payee Details
Details from the "General" screen are automatically copied and are used for cheque and bank (transfer) payments.
Change if a different payee is required.

Payment Method
Transfer (Bank)

Cheque and bank transfers are available via Class.
A combined fixed format remittance advice/cheque is available from Class, and also a BACS file option, which produces a file in a format acceptable for BACS bank transfers (UK banks only)

Other Addresses

Other Address
Unlikely to be required, but add if necessary

Main address / the address to be used for correspondence

Send By
Documents will be sent by this method as the default

Format, but may be changed if required.
There is also an option to change all accommodation records to a given format, eg. PDF (See File/Special Function/Batch Email Format Update)


Allow Accommodation to login via Web?
Set this if the accommodation is allowed access via the web

User Name
Enter a user name (which must be unique for the system) up to 250 characters long.
It will default to the accommodation's email address

Up to 10 characters long (case sensitive)

Verify Web Login User Name
After entry of a new user name, you should verify that the name is unique.
However, the system will always check before accepting the record.

Web Permissions
Complete as appropriate

Preferred Date Format
Set European or USA format

Default settings (under Maintenance/Settings > General > Company > Company)


3 (total 7000 characters) notepads are available for "permanent" type notes.
It is suggested that variable notes, eg. notes about telephone called with the family, are recorded in the Dated Notes section.

Profile (note 1)
Used for merging with Word, typically in confirmation documents.
If note 1 is to be displayed during enrolment processing, the "Show Note 1 at Enrolment" box is to be ticked:

Notepad 2 can be used as required
Notepad 3 is initially created from the template in settings (see below)

Company Settings - Host Note (Template):

Dated Notes

The Dated Note has a number of features:

Pop Up note until - if a date is entered, the note will be automatically displayed (students and enrolments) until the date is passed.

Note history - each time a new note is added, the user ID/date/time are entered, providing a chronological sequence of events.
Notes can only be changed (Edit History) if the user has the relevant permission set, or is an administrator.

Action By - the note can also be 'sent' to a user for action

Information Only - users who have 'sent' the note as information only receive them in blue, making it easy for the user to recognise that they do not need to take any action.


User Defined Fields

Any number of user defined fields can be added to the accommodation record.
Fields can be grouped into sections for ease of use.

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