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Agent Room Allocations

Agent Room Allocations


To allow schools to reserve or allocate rooms from within Class for their agents.


1. Allocating rooms to agents/students as 'committed', 'on-release' or 'free sale'
2. Colours - used to distinguish what has happened to the rooms over the course of your chosen period
3. Student details will be visible under both rooms and agents on a daily basis
4. Release days facility
5. Increased manageability, without the need for Excel spreadsheets

First and foremost, you will need to set the Availability per ACCOMMODATION:

You might add more rooms during the spring/summer, and then fewer rooms in the quieter period - the functionality is available here.

Going into "Agent Room Allocations" itself, the next step is to now decide HOW you want your ROOMS (beds)  to be allocated to individual agents.

There are 3 types of allocations available:

1. Committed - this means the agent has to pay for the rooms (beds) even if they don't use them. The agent takes the rish here of potentially ending up with unsold rooms (beds)!
2. On-Release - this means that if the rooms (beds) are NOT pre-booked within a certain time period, they are given back to the school without penalty. The school can then sell them on.
3. Free Sale - this means that a bed is neither committed, nor on-release, but for sale to anyone. Free Sale cannot be allocated/reserved for agents in bulk, but even when agents have been assigned 'Committed' or 'On-Release', you can still grant them Free Sale allocations when adding bookings.


The next step is to allocate committed and on-release rooms (beds) to the individual AGENTS:

Now that the total number of rooms (beds) for the school have been allocated, AND the number of rooms (beds) for 1 particular agent , we can add a student into ABF Ukraine's assigned accommodation to see how this works.

We go into a student enrolment we know has ABF Ukraine as an agent, and add an accommodation :

Once you have entered your dates and the correct price item (Sibly Hall) , the box above pops up - due to the fact that you have just finished allocating rooms (beds) for ABF Ukraine under "Agent Room Allocations" (see previous screen).
This box now allows you to choose whether you want this student's accommodation to be 'committed' or 'on-release'.
Yaroslava will be 'on-release'.

Having added 4 students in total, all being present on 5th August 2013, the below screen reflects this information, and under 'Student Details', you can see a breakdown of male/female with a running total of numbers:

The same changes will be applied on the AGENT side:

Showing Student Details at the bottom:

Showing Allocation Details at the bottom:

Agent Release Days:

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