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File - Audit

"User" history of changes against any Class SQL table. The log will show who made a change and when.

Old log records should be purged periodically to prevent loss of performance. The frequency of this purge will vary from site to site depending on the number of records generated & efficiency of the network. It is suggested that 2 years' worth of logs are retained.



The column highlighted is used for searching.
Searches may be made on any of the headings.
Enter text or date to match on. 

Select table whose changes are to be listed or "All".

Select from "All", "Add", "Update" or "Delete".

Close Matching
This will match any of the characters entered to any part of the selection text, eg. ome, will find Gomez, Homer, Omeran etc

Sort Ascending
Select this option to show earliest change first.

Show First
Select the number of records to be displayed ,default = 250

This may be run at any time, even while other users are viewing the audit trail.

The purge has the followings rules:
No logs are deleted within 1 year of creation.
2. "Created" logs are retained indefinitely.
3. "
Invoice line" logs are retained indefinitely.

Enter purge date (earliest = today minus 1 year).
All logs will be purged prior to this date, except as indicated above.

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