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File - Locking

This option is to be used if there is a problem accessing a record.

Record locks give exclusive use of that record to just one user. This prevents two or more users amending a record at the same time, possibly causing data corruption.

However if a problem occurs such as a system crash, that record lock may not be released and nobody can access that record.
This facility has been written to remove these extraneous locks and free up the system.


Great care should be taken when removing these locks. This should only be done for those records where there is definitely known to be a problem.

Before purging check which user is locking the record, and that they have not left the screen on while editing a record.

Generally if a user crashes while editing, logging out of the system and back in again should release all their record locks.

This shows all records currently locked


To be safe, everyone else should be out of the system before purging. Otherwise there is a possibility of two people amending the same record simultaneously and data being corrupted.

A confirmation box is displayed before all locks selected are removed.



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