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Special Functions

Special Functions

Disable User Logins (only available to Administrators)
If selected, users will NOT be able to sign in. Reselect to switch off.
This is particularly useful for holding users out of the system whilst upgrading.

Various Fixes
These will vary from time to time and are only to be used when directed by Infospeed.

Set Database Version Number
This is a system function and should only be used if directed by Infospeed Support.

Globally Set Agent's Print Credit Notes flag
This may be selected by a user and will change this flag on every Agent (including Direct).

Create/Update Accounts for Agents (only if Enterprise is in use)
All Agent accounts in Class will be dynamically created in Enterprise. If already existing, they will be updated.

Create/Update Accounts for Accommodations (only if Enterprise is in use)
All Accommodation accounts in Class will be dynamically created in Enterprise. If already existing, they will be updated.

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