Home Stay Accruals
This provides the accountant
with an accrual/prepayment list for accommodation prepayments.
Date 1. The system
ignores HF payment runs after the entered date. Report:
The report is
sub-totalled by School Code
ANY date can be entered, typically a
period end.
So for example, a report could be taken out 3 months or 3 years
in arrears!
2. The system checks that
the student was in accommodation between the payment date entered above and the
last payment to the family prior to the date above.
3. If the HF payment
was the final payment, then no accrual/prepayment is required.
4. If the
last payment date is less than the date above, an accrual will be calculated for
the period up to the date above. The calculation will be a pro rata amount based
on the last payment. It therefore cannot take into consideration possible
seasonal price changes.
5. If the last payment date is greater than the
date above, a prepayment will be calculated for the period from the date above.
The calculation will be a pro rata amount based on the last payment. It
therefore cannot take into consideration possible seasonal price