Teachers Status Position School Send By Correspondence
Language Grade Address/Tel/Fax/Email Mobile Number
(see additional information later in this section on Text
Messaging) Send
SMS Payment
Grades Notes Dated Notes A dated note might be linked to a
student, as per below: The Dated Note has a number of
features: Action
By Information Only Any number of user defined fields can
be added to the Teacher record. Unavailable
Only Active teachers
are used by Classing and
Complete as
Enter if
Select school. If
teaching is for more than 1 school, the teacher needs to be entered multiple
times. If no school is entered, the teacher will not be available within
Classing or Timetabling.
Used by the Word
Merge within Quick Reports. So for example, if email is selected, then all
documents from the Word Merge for this teacher would be sent as
Leave set as Default Language
blank unless a good use is found.
The colour selected appears on the Teacher
Browse screen and within Advanced Timetabling.
Colour codes could represent
part-time teachers.
Shown in Timetabling -
"Teacher Unit Analysis" report.
The field is 6 characters
Used by Advanced Timetabling, eg. the first 4-5
characters will show in the Timetable plan. We suggest using the first 4-5
characters of the first or surname.
5 lines at 30 characters,
and 20 for line 6 (can be used for PTC).
It is recommended that Postal and
Zip Codes are entered as a continuation of the address, and not reserved for
line 6.
This avoids Word (when using Class template documents),
displaying blank lines in an address when merged, eg. where the PTC is 2 or 3
lines after the address has finished.
Enter in format CCnnnnnnnnnnn, where CC is the country code
for the mobile, excluding "00" or "+" eg. for UK44.
Drop the leading zero,
eg. 07836574341 becomes 447836574341.
The mobile number may be used in
conjunction with the text messaging option with Class.
Tick if mobile may be used for contact.
Number of Pay
Used by Advanced Timetabling and represents scheduled (or budgeted)
units, typically hours or lessons. Units are then compared to the actual units
as shown in the timetable.
The teacher database can be used in Quick Reports
for document mergers and Excel lists.
Preferences (established in Settings) can be used as selection
criteria in Quick Reports.
Examples: Qualifications, specialised
experiences, length of experience, other languages, etc.
See screen note for information.
information is used in conjunction with Advanced Timetabling and is reported in
the Teacher Unit Analysis Report:
3 (total 7500
characters) notepads are available for permanent notes.
It is suggested that
variable notes are recorded in the Dated Notes section (see below).
Pop Up Note Until
If a date is entered, the
note will be automatically displayed (when the teacher record is edited) until
the date is passed.
Note History
Each time a "new
note" is added, the user's ID/date/time are entered, providing a chronological
sequence of events.
Notes can only be changed (Edit History) if the user has
the relevant permission set, or is an administrator.
The note can also be "sent" to a user for action
Users "sent" the note
as information only receive them in blue, making it easy for the user to recognise they do not need to
take any action.
User Defined Fields
Fields can be grouped into sections for ease
of use.
To set up fields and sections, go to Maintenance Settings >
General Settings > Agents > User Defined Fields.
Used by
Advanced Timetabling to restrict the availability of a teacher.
A range of options are provided to easily produce shift
patterns, if required.
Select the unavailability type and days to apply.
Individual days, a time slot or a time band can be selected, by
double-clicking the left-hand row header.
Excel output for a selected
date range is provided.
A teacher's
individual timetable together with a note may be output to Excel.
Confirmation is displayed, as well as
The "delivered" message means the message has been received by the
network provider, eg. Orange, Vodafone etc., not necessarily the mobile phone