Room Name Room Code Room Type School or Dummy/Hired in
Room Capacity Colour Timetable Enables a timetable to be sent to
Excel together with a note:
Unavailable Select the unavailability type and
days to apply. Excel output for a selected date
range is provided.
Shown in Class and Advanced Timetabling
If Advanced
Timetabling is to be used, please keep to maximum 4 characters
Not used by the
Select Dummy or Hired, if the room is to be excluded from the "Room
Utilisation" report for the school.
A dummy room may be used for holding
teachers for non-teaching purposes, eg. reserve teachers or marking, etc.
Used by Advanced
Timetabling to check classes using the room do not exceed the
Used by Advanced
Leave blank until you've experimented with Advanced
Used by
Advanced Timetabling to restrict availability of the room.
A range of options
are provided to easily produce shift patterns, if required.
Individual days, a time slot or a time band (by
double-clicking the left-hand row header) can be selected.