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Control Totals

Control Totals


Totals are held in each account currency and a consolidated total in the base currency.
All values are taken from each transaction and totalled.
Totals should agree/be reconciled to controls in the nominal ledger.

Reconciling Totals in the Ledger

"Control" totals can be agreed with the following reports:

First, you must ensure the dates used throughout are the same and any filters are the same.

Reconciliation Report:
Control - "Carried Forward" = Accounting Balance on Reconciliation Report.
Control - Proforma/Unprinted and Control = Ledger Balance on Reconciliation Report.

Aged Debt (filter: future bookings must be included)
Control - Proforma/Unprinted and Control = Aged Debt outstanding total


Totals from Control (see above)
Carried forward: £166,794.18
Proforma/Unprinted and Control Total = £256,252.03

Nominal Analysis
Can only be agreed by selecting from the earliest possible date, to the date selected.

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