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Enrolment Finance

Enrolment - Finance

Individual lines can be edited.

If values are changed the line is shown in red.

If course dates have been changed without being "refinanced" the dates are shown in red.


Accounts codes cannot be changed.

Discounts and Commissions can be updated - percentage or values.



A promotion finance line will additionally have the Promotion Name displayed (in yellow)



All financial transactions are retained to provide accurate statistics and audit trail.
Only live transactions are normally displayed but the status can be changed to show other transactions.

Receipt Value

Memorandum only (does not post to Enterprise or the Class Ledger).

Can be shown on the invoice/proforma, also in Quick reports.


Show Invoices for Agent/Student

Select accordingly. Shows finance lines for Agents and Student elements separately. Only if title is in red are the values present.

Invoice Comments
Invoice comments may be added (shown on the invoice)

Finance Comment
If prices are updated, it is recommended that a finance comment is added (NOT shown on invoice)

Direct Student Statement
All enrolments can be printed where there is direct billing.
The format of the statement will be dependent on whether the Class Ledger is in use).
Statements will include all enrolments for the student.


The below only includes enrolment details for this enrolment. Additionally, detailed receipt allocations can be shown if required, and the school address is given (click on Agent Account within Enrolment Invoice > Statement):



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