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Enrolment Invoicing

Enrolment - Invoicing

Invoice Due Date
May be printed on the Invoice/Proforma, if required.

Next Payment Date
Can be used in Quick Reports.

Payment Notes
Can be used in Quick Reports.

Finance Held
If set, no finance docs can be printed. The batch run also obeys this setting. The batch run will report "held" items.


Send Invoice/Proforma
Select as appropriate.

Use Credit and Reinvoice Method?
Will automatically credit out the enrolment and re-invoice completely.
If not set, then the system will only invoice the changes. This is particularly useful for invoicing a single item eg. a transfer.

Documents Address
Statement or other address may be selected.

Invoice Address
Statement or other address may be selected.
If a "one off" address is required, then select "Print to Screen" and edit the Word invoice.


Format for email
Rich text is the default but may be changed if format is not readable by the recipient.


As per above Agent fields.

Send to Commission Agent
Direct Student invoices may be sent to the agent.

Double-click on any line and details are displayed.

Send Memo (Gross Inv)
A gross invoice can be created on demand as required. If the agent record is set to send Gross Invoice, this will be done automatically.


Invoicing screen - with Ledger in use - access to Ledger

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