Help > Accounting/Ledger > Processes > Ledger > Ledger >
Export - External Accounting

Export Accounting Data

This document is intended to assist you in exporting accounting data from Class for Windows SQL.
Data exported will be in the form of a number of simply text files with .CSV suffixes.
Please see the following sections for specific developer information.

Once you have set the export up, to run it just use the Export button.
Do not alter details on the criteria tab unless needing to re-export, as Class will keep a record of the last transaction exported, under each category, to ensure data is not exported more than once.

Before you can export you need to set requirements.

Export Tab

Name - user defined name
Code - user defined code
Invoice & Credit Headers - include invoice/credit headers in submissions
Invoice & Credit Lines - include invoice/credit lines in submissions
Header & Line Combination - combine invoice/credit headers and lines in a single submission file
Ledger Receipts - include class ledger receipts in submissions
Home Stay Payments/Receipts - include home stay payments and receipts in submissions
Include Home Stay Accounts - include accommodation accounts
Split Debit/Credit Files - if selected, separate debits and credits into separate submission files
Include Proforma Accounts - include agent/student accounts where a proforma has been produced
Include Agent Accounts - include related agent accounts in submissions
Include Student Accounts - include related student accounts in submissions

Export - create specified export files
OK - save this export for use later
Cancel - cancel this export abandoning any changes made

Criteria Tab

You may need to adjust the "Fields" (tab-see later section) to add or reduce the fields included in the export.
The default list contains popular items, but adjust to suit your import module.

On completion of the run, you will be prompted as below.
Select "Yes" to set the correct start point of the next export.

Re-exporting data

Go to the criteria screen and select by "Reference" (not date)
Select the range for the items to be re-exported.
You can select by date, but selecting the reference range is the preferred option.

By Reference

Select transactions by their document references.

Invoices - enrolment invoices from/to
Credits - enrolment credit notes from/to
Home Stay Payments - payments to host accommodation from/to
Home Stay Receipts - receipts to host accommodation from/to
Ledger Receipts - class ledger receipts transaction number from/to
Proformas Dated - include account records where there has been a proforma transaction within date from/to (does not include transactions, only accounts)

By Date

Select transactions by their creation date.

Created From - date from and to range to include transactions

Please ensure that you set the 'From' and 'To' dates correctly.
Only transactions within those dates will be included in the submission files.
Accordingly, only accounts with included transactions will be submitted.

Fields Tab

Only export types selected on the Export Tab will be displayed here.

Agent Tab -
agent export fields
Student Tab - student export fields
Invoice Header Tab - invoice export header fields
Invoice Line Tab - invoice export line fields
Accommodation Tab - accommodation export fields
Payment Tab - payment export fields

Resequence Arrows - resequence items by moving them up or down
Add - add an item to list (see below: "Adding Fields")
Remove - remove an item from list

Adding Fields

Database Field - add a field directly from the Class for Windows SQL database
Static Value - add an actual value which will be copied into the submission "as is"

All Button - select all available database fields
None Button - unselect selected database fields
OK - confirms your selection
Cancel - cancels selection

Settings Tab

File Path - path to save files
Include First Row Field Names - insert field names as first row in submission files
Field Fixed Widths - pad all fields with spaces to maximum size
Field Delimiter - character used to separate fields
Field Quote Character - character used to encapsulate field data
Row Delimiter - characters used to end each row of data
Date Format - reformat dates
Integer Format - reformat integers
Floating Format - reformat floating point numbers
Boolean Format - reformat booleans

For examples on how to set the export formats, see 'Date Formats', 'Integer/Floating Formats' and 'Boolean Formats' at the end of this document.

History Tab

This tab contains a list of each export that has been done to date complete with the file name and references that were used.
This section is useful if you are unsure of what references or dates are required to complete the next export run.

Files Created
Submissions files are named by this convention:


<NAME> - the name of the export you created
<TYPE OF FILE> - the submission type (see below)
<NUMBER> - the submission number (this is always the next available number to prevent files being overwritten)

If the split debit/credit files option is not set, these files will be created:

<NAME>_INVOICE_HEADER_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   invoice headers only
<NAME>_INVOICE_LINE_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   invoice lines only
<NAME>_INVOICE_LINE_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   combined invoice headers and lines
<NAME>_LEDGER_RECEIPT_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   class ledger receipts
<NAME>_PAYMENT_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   accommodation payments

If the split debit/credit files option is set, these files will be created:

<NAME>_INVOICE_HEADER_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   invoice headers only
<NAME>_CREDIT_HEADER_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   credit headers only
<NAME>_INVOICE_LINE_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   invoice lines only
<NAME>_CREDIT_LINE_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   credit lines only
<NAME>_DEBIT_COMBINED_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   debit combined invoice headers and lines
<NAME>_CREDIT_COMBINED_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   credit combined invoice headers and lines
<NAME>_PAYMENT_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   accommodation payment transactions
<NAME>_RECEIPT_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   accommodation receipt transactions
<NAME>_LEDGER_RECEIPT_DEBIT_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   class ledger receipt debits
<NAME>_LEDGER_RECEIPT_CREDIT_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   class ledger receipt credits

In addition, these files will be created if you have selected to include account details:

<NAME>_AGENT_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   agent accounts
<NAME>_STUDENT_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   student accounts
<NAME>_ACCOMMODATION_<NUMBER>.CSV   -   accommodation accounts

Agent Export Fields
(format: Export Field / Description / Type):

tblAgent.txtEnterpriseAccountCode / Unique Account Code / CHAR 6
tblAgentParent.txtEnterpriseAccountCode / Head Office Account Code / CHAR 6
tblAgent.intAgentID / Agent Account ID / INTEGER
tblAgent.txtCode / Reference Code / CHAR 10
tblAgent.txtName / Full Name / CHAR 45
tblAgent.txtLookupName / Friendly Name / CHAR 45
tblAgent.txtSurname / Contact Surname / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtForename / Contact Forename / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtTitle / Contact Title / CHAR 10
tblAgent.txtPosition / Contact Position / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtTaxReference / Tax Office Reference / CHAR 20

tblAgent.txtAddressee / Main Address Contact / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAddress1 / Main Address Line 1 / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAddress2 / Main Address Line 2 / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtTown / Main Address Town / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtRegion / Main Address Region / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtCountry / Main Address Country / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtPostalCode / Main Address Postal Code / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtTelephone / Main Telephone Number / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtFax / Main Fax Number / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtEmail / Main Email Address / CHAR 20

tblAgent.txtStatementAddressee / Statement Main Address Contact / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtStatementAddress1 / Statement Main Address line 1 / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtStatementAddress2 / Statement Main Address line 2 / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtStatementTown / Statement Main Address Town / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtStatementRegion / Statement Main Address Region / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtStatementCountry / Statement Main Address Country / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtStatementPostalCode / Statement Main Address Postal Code / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtStatementTelephone / Statement Main Telephone Number / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtStatementFax / Statement Main Fax Number / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtStatementEmail / Statement Main Email Address / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtOtherAddressee / Other Main Address Contact / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtOtherAddress1 / Other Main Address line 1 / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtOtherAddress2 / Other Main Address line 2 / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtOtherTown / Other Main Address Town / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtOtherRegion / Other Main Address Region / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtOtherCountry / Other Main Address Country / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtOtherPostalCode / Other Main Address Postal Code / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtOtherTelephone / Other Main Telephone Number / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtOtherFax / Other Main Fax Number / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtOtherEmail / Other Main Email Address / CHAR 20

tblAgentStatus.intAgentStatusId / Status ID / INTEGER
tblAgentStatus.intAgentStatusId / 100 prospective / INTEGER
tblAgentStatus.intAgentStatusId / 200 Active / INTEGER
tblAgentStatus.intAgentStatusId / 300 Suspended / INTEGER
tblAgentStatus.intAgentStatusId / 400 Inactive / INTEGER

tblAgentStatus.txtName / status name / CHAR 30

tblCollectionMethod.intCollectionMethodId / How To Collect Money / INTEGER
tblCollectionMethod.intCollectionMethodId / 100 No Collection Method / INTEGER
tblCollectionMethod.intCollectionMethodId / 200 Collect From Student (Gross) / INTEGER
tblCollectionMethod.intCollectionMethodId / 300 Collect From Student (Net) / INTEGER
tblCollectionMethod.intCollectionMethodId / 400 Collect From Student (Part) / INTEGER

tblCollectionMethod.txtName / Collection Method Name / CHAR 30

tblAgent.intMainAddressId / Indicates Correspondence Address / INTEGER
tblAgent.intMainAddressId / 0 Main Address / INTEGER
tblAgent.intMainAddressId / 1 Statement Address / INTEGER
tblAgent.intMainAddressId / 2 Other Address / INTEGER

tblAgent.intInvoiceAddressId / Indicates Invoice Address / INTEGER
tblAgent.intInvoiceAddressId / 0 Main Address / INTEGER
tblAgent.intInvoiceAddressId / 1 Statement Address / INTEGER
tblAgent.intInvoiceAddressId / 2 Other Address / INTEGER

tblAgent.intSendMethodId / Preferred Contact Method / INTEGER
tblAgent.intSendMethodId / 2 Printed Documents / INTEGER
tblAgent.intSendMethodId / 3 Email Documents / INTEGER
tblAgent.intSendMethodId / 4 Fax Documents / INTEGER

tblAgent.intSendFormatId / Preferred Contact Method / INTEGER
tblAgent.intSendFormatId / 0 Word Format / INTEGER
tblAgent.intSendFormatId / 1 Rich Text Format / INTEGER
tblAgent.intSendFormatId / 2 HTML Format / INTEGER
tblAgent.intSendFormatId / 3 Plain Text Format / INTEGER

tblAgent.txtAnalysis1 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis2 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis3 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis4 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis5 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis6 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.decAnalysis7 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblAgent.decAnalysis8 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblAgent.dteAnalysis9 / User Defined Text / DATE
tblAgent.dteAnalysis10 / User Defined Date / DATE

tblCurrency.txtCode / Currency Code / CHAR 10
tblCurrency.txtSymbol / Currency Symbol / CHAR 3
tblCurrency.txtName / Currency Name / CHAR 30
tblCountry.txtCode / Country Code / CHAR 10
tblCountry.txtName / Country Name / CHAR 30

Student Export Fields
(format: Export Field / Description / Type):

tblStudent.txtEnterpriseAccountCode / Unique Account Code / CHAR 6
tblStudent.txtCode / Reference Code / CHAR 10
tblStudent.txtSurname / Surname / CHAR 45
tblStudent.txtForename / Forename / CHAR 45
tblStudent.txtTitle / Title / CHAR 10
tblStudent.txtdteDOB / Date Of Birth / DATE
tblSex.intSexId / Sex ID / INTEGER
tblSex.txtName / Sex Name / CHAR 30

tblStudent.txtAddressee / Main Address Contact / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAddress1 / Main Address Line 1 / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAddress2 / Main Address Line 2 / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtTown / Main Address Town / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtRegion / Main Address Region / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtCountry / Main Address Country / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtPostalCode / Main Address Postal Code / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtTelephone / Main Telephone Number / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtFax / Main Fax Number / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtEmail / Main Email Address / CHAR 20

tblStudent.txtStatementAddressee / Statement Main Address Contact / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtStatementAddress1 / Statement Main Address line 1 / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtStatementAddress2 / Statement Main Address line 2 / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtStatementTown / Statement Main Address Town / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtStatementRegion / Statement Main Address Region / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtStatementCountry / Statement Main Address Country / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtStatementPostalCode / Statement Main Address Postal Code / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtStatementTelephone / Statement Main Telephone Number / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtStatementFax / Statement Main Fax Number / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtStatementEmail / Statement Main Email Address / CHAR 20

tblStudent.txtOtherAddressee / Other Main Address Contact / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtOtherAddress1 / Other Main Address line 1 / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtOtherAddress2 / Other Main Address line 2 / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtOtherTown / Other Main Address Town / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtOtherRegion / Other Main Address Region / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtOtherCountry / Other Main Address Country / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtOtherPostalCode / Other Main Address Postal Code / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtOtherTelephone / Other Main Telephone Number / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtOtherFax / Other Main Fax Number / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtOtherEmail / Other Main Email Address / CHAR 20

tblStudentStatus.intStudentStatusId / Status ID / INTEGER
tblStudentStatus.intStudentStatusId / 100 Enquiry / INTEGER
tblStudentStatus.intStudentStatusId / 200 Student / INTEGER

tblStudentStatus.txtName / Status Name / INTEGER

tblStudent.intMainAddressId / Indicates Correspondence Address / INTEGER
tblStudent.intMainAddressId / 0 Main Address / INTEGER
tblStudent.intMainAddressId / 1 Statement Address / INTEGER
tblStudent.intMainAddressId / 2 Other Address / INTEGER

tblStudent.intInvoiceAddressId / Indicates Invoice Address / INTEGER
tblStudent.intInvoiceAddressId / 0 Main Address / INTEGER
tblStudent.intInvoiceAddressId / 1 Statement Address / INTEGER
tblStudent.intInvoiceAddressId / 2 Other Address / INTEGER

tblStudent.intSendMethod / Preferred Contact Method / INTEGER
tblStudent.intSendMethod / 2 Printed Documents / INTEGER
tblStudent.intSendMethod / 3 Email Documents / INTEGER
tblStudent.intSendMethod / 4 Fax Documents / INTEGER

tblStudent.intSendFormatId / Preferred Contact Method / INTEGER
tblStudent.intSendFormatId / 0 Word Format / INTEGER
tblStudent.intSendFormatId / 1 Rich Text Format / INTEGER
tblStudent.intSendFormatId / 2 HTML Format / INTEGER
tblStudent.intSendFormatId / 3 Plain Text Format / INTEGER

tblStudent.txtAnalysis1 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis2 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis3 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis4 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis5 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis6 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.decAnalysis7 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblStudent.decAnalysis8 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblStudent.dteAnalysis9 / User Defined Text / DATE
tblStudent.dteAnalysis10 / User Defined Date / DATE

tblCurrency.txtCode / Currency Code / CHAR 10
tblCurrency.txtSymbol / Currency Symbol / CHAR 3
tblCurrency.txtName / Currency Name / CHAR 30
tblCountry.txtCode / Country Code / CHAR 10
tblCountry.txtName / Country Name / CHAR 30

Invoice Header Export Fields
(format: Export Field / Description / Type):

tblAccount.txtEnterpriseAccountCode / Student/Agent Unique Account Code / CHAR 6
tblAccount.intAccountId / Account ID / INTEGER
tblAccount.txtCode / Account Code / CHAR 10
tblAccount.txtAnalysis1 / User Defined Field / CHAR 30
tblAccount.txtAnalysis2 / User Defined Field / CHAR 30
tblAccount.txtAnalysis3 / User Defined Field / CHAR 30
tblAccount.txtAnalysis4 / User Defined Field / CHAR 30
tblAccount.txtAnalysis5 / User Defined Field / CHAR 30
tblAccount.txtAnalysis6 / User Defined Field / CHAR 30
tblAccount.decAnalysis7 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblAccount.decAnalysis8 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblAccount.dteAnalysis9 / User Defined Text / DATE
tblAccount.dteAnalysis10 / User Defined Date / DATE

tblInvoice.txtInvoiceNumber / Invoice Number / CHAR
tblInvoice.txtInvoiceType / Invoice Type / CHAR 2
tblInvoice.txtInvoiceType / 'D' Invoice / CHAR 2
tblInvoice.txtInvoiceType / 'C' Credit / CHAR 2

tblEnrol.blnDirectStudent / Direct Booking / BOOLEAN
tblEnrol.blnDirectStudent / TRUE Direct Booking / BOOLEAN
tblEnrol.blnDirectStudent / FALSE Agent Booking / BOOLEAN

tblInvoice.txtName / Invoice To Name / CHAR 30
tblInvoice.txtAddressee / Address Contact / CHAR 30
tblInvoice.txtAddress1 / Address Line 1 / CHAR 30
tblInvoice.txtAddress2 / Address Line 2 / CHAR 3
tblInvoice.txtTown / Address Town / CHAR 30
tblInvoice.txtRegion / Address Region / CHAR 30
tblInvoice.txtCountry / Address Country / CHAR 30
tblInvoice.txtPostalCode / Address Postal Code / CHAR 20
tblInvoice.txtFax / Fax Number / CHAR 20

tblInvoice.dteInvoiceDate / Invoice Created Date / DATE
tblInvoice.dteInvoiceDueDate / Invoice Due Date / DATE

tblInvoice.intExchangeRate / Currency Exchange Rate / DECIMAL
tblInvoice.curTotalBasic / Total Gross Value / CURRENCY
tblInvoice.curTotalDiscount / Total Discount Value / CURRENCY
tblInvoice.curTotalTax / Total Tax Value / CURRENCY
tblInvoice.curTotalDue / Total NEt Value / CURRENCY
tblInvoice.curTotalCommission / Total Commission Value / CURRENCY

tblCurrency.txtCode / Currency Code / CHAR 10
tblCurrency.txtSymbol / Currency Symbol / CHAR 3
tblCurrency.txtName / Currency Name / CHAR 30

tblSchool.txtCode / School Code / CHAR 10
tblSchool.txtName / School Name / CHAR 30

tblBooking.txtCode / Enrolment/Group Code / CHAR 10

tblBooking.blnDirectStudent / Direct Student / BOOLEAN
tblBooking.blnDirectStudent / TRUE Student Booking / BOOLEAN
tblBooking.blnDirectStudent / FALSE Agent Booking / BOOLEAN
tblBooking.dteFromDate / From Date / DATE
tblBooking.dteToDate / To Date / DATE
tblBooking.intDurationWeeks / Duration Weeks / INTEGER
tblBooking.intDurationDays / Duration Days / INTEGER

tblBooking.txtAnalysis1 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblBooking.txtAnalysis2 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblBooking.txtAnalysis3 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblBooking.txtAnalysis4 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblBooking.txtAnalysis5 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblBooking.txtAnalysis6 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblBooking.decAnalysis7 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblBooking.decAnalysis8 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblBooking.dteAnalysis9 / User Defined Text / DATE
tblBooking.dteAnalysis10 / User Defined Date / DATE

tblCollectionMethod.intCollectionMethodId / Collection Method Id / INTEGER
tblCollectionMethod.intName / Collection Method Name / CHAR 30

tblStudent.intStudentId / Student Id / INTEGER
tblStudent.txtCode / Reference Code / CHAR 10
tblStudent.txtTitle / Title / CHAR 10
tblStudent.txtForename / Forename / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtSurname / Surname / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAddressee / Main Address Contact / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtTelephone / Telephone Number / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtFax / Fax Number / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtEmail / Email Address / CHAR 20
tblStudent.dteDOB / Date Of Birth / DATE
tblStudent.txtEnterpriseAccountCode / Account Code / CHAR 6
tblStudent.txtAnalysis1 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis2 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis3 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis4 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis5 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis6 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.decAnalysis7 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblStudent.decAnalysis8 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblStudent.dteAnalysis9 / User Defined Text / DATE
tblStudent.dteAnalysis10 / User Defined Date / DATE

tblSex.intSexId / Sex Id / INTEGER
tblSex.intSexId / 1 Male / INTEGER
tblSex.intSexId / 2 Female / INTEGER
tblSex.intSexId / 3 Unknown / INTEGER

tblSex.SexName / Sex Name / CHAR 30

tblAgent.intAgentId / Agent Id / INTEGER
tblAgent.txtCode / Reference Code / CHAR 10
tblAgent.txtTitle / Title / CHAR 10
tblAgent.txtForename / Forename / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtSurname / Surname / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAddressee / Main Address Contact / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtTelephone / Telephone Number / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtFax / Fax / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtEmail / Email / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtEnterpriseAccountCode / Account Code / CHAR 6
tblAgent.txtAnalysis1 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis2 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis3 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis4 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis5 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis6 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.decAnalysis7 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblAgent.decAnalysis8 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblAgent.dteAnalysis9 / User Defined Text / DATE
tblAgent.dteAnalysis10 / User Defined Date / DATE

Invoice Header Export Fields
(format: Export Field / Description / Type):

tblAccount.txtEnterpriseAccountCode / Student/Agent Unique Account Code / CHAR 6

tblAccount.intAccountId / Account Id /INTEGER

tblAccount.txtCodeReference Code / CHAR 10

tblInvoice.txtInvoiceNumberInvoice Number/ CHAR 10

tblInvoiceLine.intModuleId / Transaction Type/ INTEGER
tblInvoiceLine.intModuleId 1600 Tuition / INTEGER
tblInvoiceLine.intModuleId 1800 Accommodation / INTEGER
tblInvoiceLine.intModuleId 1900 Transfers/ INTEGER
tblInvoiceLine.intModuleId 2000 Sundries / INTEGER


tblInvoiceLine.txtCode / Code (defaults to Price Item Code) / CHAR 10

tblInvoiceLine.txtNarrative / Description / CHAR 50

tblInvoiceLine.dteFromDateFor Period From Date / DATE

tblInvoiceLine.dteToDate / For Period To Date / DATE

tblInvoiceLine.intQuantity / Quantity / INTEGER

tblInvoiceLine.intNumberOfUnits / Number Of Whole Units /  INTEGER

tblInvoiceLine.intNumberOfPartUnits / Number Of Part Units / INTEGER

tblInvoiceLine.curBasic / Gross Value / CURRENCY

tblInvoiceLine.intDiscountPercentDiscount % / DECIMAL

tblInvoiceLine.curDiscount / Discount Value / CURRENCY

tblInvoiceLine.curTaxx / Tax Value / CURRENCY

tblInvoiceLine.curDue / Due Value / CURRENCY

tblInvoiceLine.intCommissionPercent / Commission % / DECIMAL

tblInvoiceLine.curCommission / Commission Value / CURRENCY


tblCurrency.txtCode / Currency Code / CHAR 10

tblCurrency.txtSymbol / Currency Symbol / CHAR 3

tblCurrency.txtName / Currency Name / CHAR 30


tblTax.txtCode / Tax CodeCHAR 10

tblTax.txtName / Tax Name / CHAR 30


tblPriceItem.txtSalesCompany / Accounting Company / CHAR 10

tblPriceItem.txtSalesDepartment / Accounting Department / CHAR 10

tblPriceItem.txtSalesAccount / Accounting Account / CHAR 10

Accommodation Export Fields
(format: Export Field / Description / Type):

tblHost.txtEnterpriseAccountCode / Unique Account Code / CHAR 6

tblHost.intHostId / Account Accommodation IdINTEGER

tblHost.txtCode / Reference Code / CHAR 10

tblHost.txtSurname / Contact Surname / CHAR 45

tblHost.txtForename / Contact Forename / CHAR 45

tblHost.txtTitle / Contact Title / CHAR 10

tblHost.txtPosition / Contact Position / CHAR 20

tblHost.intGrade / Priority Grading / INTEGER

tblHost.txtTaxReference / Tax Office Reference / CHAR 20

tblHost.txtAddressee / Main Address Contact / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtAddress1 / Main Address Line 1 / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtAddress2 / Main Address Line 2 / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtTownMain Address Town / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtRegion / Main Address Region / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtCountry / Main Address Country / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtPostalCode / Main Address Postal Code / CHAR 20

tblHost.txtTelephone / Main Telephone Number / CHAR 20

tblHost.txtFax  / Main Fax Number / CHAR 20

tblHost.txtEMail / Main E-Mail Address / CHAR 20


tblHost.txtStatementAddressee / Statement Address Contact / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtStatementAddress1 / Statement Address Line 1 / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtStatementAddress2 / Statement Address Line 2 / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtStatementTown / Statement Address Town / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtStatementRegion / Statement Address Region / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtStatementCountry / Statement Address Country / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtStatementPostalCode / Statement Address Postal Code /  CHAR 20

tblHost.txtStatementTelephone / Statement Telephone Number / CHAR 20

tblHost.txtStatementFax / Statement Fax Number / CHAR 20

tblHost.txtStatementEMail / Statement E-Mail Address / CHAR 20


tblHost.txtOtherAddressee / Statement Address Contact / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtOtherAddress1 / Statement Address Line 1 / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtOtherAddress2 / Statement Address Line 2 / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtOtherTown / Statement Address Town / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtOtherRegion / Statement Address Region / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtOtherCountry / Statement Address Country / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtOtherPostalCode / Statement Address Postal Code/ CHAR 20

tblHost.txtOtherTelephone / Statement Telephone Number /  CHAR 20

tblHost.txtOtherFax / Statement Fax Number / CHAR 20

tblHost.txtOtherEMail / Statement E-Mail Address/ CHAR 20

tblHost.txtBankAccountHolder / Bank Account Holders Name/ CHAR 30

tblHost.txtBankAccountNumber / Bank Account Number / CHAR 20

tblHost.txtBankName / Bank Name / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtBankSortCode / Bank Sort Code/ CHAR 20

tblHost.txtBankBranch / Bank Branch / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtBankReference1 / Other Bank Reference 1 / CHAR 30

tblHost.txtBankReference2 / Other Bank Reference 2 / CHAR 30


tblHostStatus.intHostStatusId / Status Id / INTEGER
tblHostStatus.intHostStatusId / 100 Propective / INTEGER
tblHostStatus.intHostStatusId / 200 Active / INTEGER
tblHostStatus.intHostStatusId / 300 Suspended  / INTEGER
tblHostStatus.intHostStatusId / 400 Inactive / INTEGER

tblHostStatus.txtName / Status Name / CHAR 30

tblPaymentMethod.intPaymentMethodId / Payment Method Id / INTEGER
tblPaymentMethod.intPaymentMethodId / 100 Cheque  / INTEGER
tblPaymentMethod.intPaymentMethodId /  200 BACS / INTEGER

tblPaymentMethod.txtName / Payment Method Name / CHAR(30)

tblHost.intMainAddressId / Indicates Correspondence Address / INTEGER
tblHost.intMainAddressId / 0 Main Address / INTEGER
tblHost.intMainAddressId / 1 Statement Address / INTEGER
tblHost.intMainAddressId / 2 Other Address / INTEGER


tblHost.intInvoiceAddressId / Indicates Invoice AddressINTEGER
tblHost.intInvoiceAddressId / 0 Main AddressINTEGER
tblHost.intInvoiceAddressId / 1 Statement AddressINTEGER
tblHost.intInvoiceAddressId / 2 Other AddressINTEGER


tblHost.intSendMethodId / Preferred Contact Method / INTEGER
tblHost.intSendMethodId / 2 Printed Documents / INTEGER
tblHost.intSendMethodId / 3 Email Documents / INTEGER
tblHost.intSendMethodId / 4 Fax Documents / INTEGER

tblHost.intSendFormatId / Preferred Contact Format / INTEGER
tblHost.intSendFormatId / 0 Word Format / INTEGER 
tblHost.intSendFormatId / 1 Rich Text Format / INTEGER   
tblHost.intSendFormatId / 2 HTML Format / INTEGER         
tblHost.intSendFormatId / 3 Plain Text  Format / INTEGER                                                             

tblHost.txtAnalysis1 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblHost.txtAnalysis2 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblHost.txtAnalysis3 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblHost.txtAnalysis4 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblHost.txtAnalysis5 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblHost.txtAnalysis6 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblHost.decAnalysis7 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblHost.decAnalysis8 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblHost.dteAnalysis9 / User Defined Text / DATE
tblHost.dteAnalysis10 / User Defined Date / DATE

tblCurrency.txtCode / Currency Code / CHAR 10
tblCurrency.txtSymbol / Currency Symbol / CHAR 3
tblCurrency.txtName / Currency Name / CHAR 30

Payment Export Fields
(format: Export Field / Description / Type):

tblAccount.txtEnterpriseAccountCode / Unique Account Code / CHAR 6

tblPayment.txtCode / Reference Code / CHAR 10

tblAccount.txtAnalysis1 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30

tblAccount.txtAnalysis2 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30

tblAccount.txtAnalysis3 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30

tblAccount.txtAnalysis4 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30

tblAccount.txtAnalysis5 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30

tblAccount.txtAnalysis6 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30

tblAccount.decAnalysis7 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL

tblAccount.decAnalysis8 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL

tblAccount.dteAnalysis9 / User Defined Text / DATE

tblAccount.dteAnalysis10 / User Defined Date / DATE

tblPayment.txtTransactionNumber / Transaction Reference / CHAR 20

tblPayment.txtNarrative / Description / CHAR 100

tblPayment.dteCreatedDate / Date Transaction Created / DATE

tblPayment.dteFromDate / For Period From Date / DATE

tblPayment.dteToDate / For Period To Date / DATE

tblPayment.dteDueDate / Payment Due Date / DATE

tblPayment.dtePaidDate / Paid Date / DATE

tblPayment.intDurationWeeks / Period Weeks / INTEGER

tblPayment.intDurationDays / Period Days / INTEGER

tblPayment.curPaymentValue / Payment Value / DECIMAL


tbl.Payment.intPaymentMethodId / Payment Method Id / INTEGER 
tbl.Payment.intPaymentMethodId / 100 Cheque / INTEGER 
tbl.Payment.intPaymentMethodId / 200 BACS / INTEGER 

tbl.Payment.txtName / Payment Method Name / CHAR 30

tbl.PaymentBatch.intBatchNumber / Payment Batch Number / INTEGER 
tbl.PaymentBatch.dteBatchDate / Payment Batch Date / DATE
tbl.PaymentBatch.dtePayToDate / Payment Batch Paid Up To / DATE  

tblPricItem.txtPurchaseCompany / Accounting Company / CHAR 10
tblPricItem.txtPurchaseDepartment / Accounting Department / CHAR 10
tblPricItem.txtPurchaseAccount / Accounting Account / CHAR 10

tblCurrency.txtCode / Currency Code / CHAR 10
tblCurrency.txtSymbol / Currency Symbol / CHAR 3
tblCurrency.txtName / Currency Name / CHAR 30

tblSchool.txtCode / School Code / CHAR 10
tblSchool.txtName / School Name / CHAR 30

tblBooking.blnDirectStudent / Direct Student / BOOLEAN
tblBooking.blnDirectStudent / TRUE Student Booking / BOOLEAN

tblBooking.blnDirectStudent / FALSE Agent Booking / BOOLEAN

tblBooking.dteFromDate / From Date / DATE
tblBooking.dteToDate / To Date / DATE
tblBooking.intDurationWeeks / Duration Weeks / INTEGER
tblBooking.intDurationDays / Duration Days / INTEGER
tblBooking.txtAnalysis1 / User Definted Text / CHAR 30
tblBooking.txtAnalysis2 / User Definted Text / CHAR 30
tblBooking.txtAnalysis3 / User Definted Text / CHAR 30
tblBooking.txtAnalysis4 / User Definted Text / CHAR 30
tblBooking.txtAnalysis5 / User Definted Text / CHAR 30
tblBooking.txtAnalysis6 / User Definted Text / CHAR 30
tblBooking.decAnalysis7 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblBooking.decAnalysis8 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblBooking.decAnalysis9 / User Defined Text / DATE
tblBooking.decAnalysis10 / User Defined Date / DATE

tblCollectionMethog.intCollectionMethodId / Collection Method Id / INTEGER
tblCollectionMethod.txtName / Collection Method Name / CHAR 30

tblStudent.intStudentId / Student Id / INTEGER
tblStudent.txtCode / Reference Code / CHAR 10
tblStudent.txtTitle / Title / CHAR 10
tblStudent.txtForename / Forename / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtSurname / Surname / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAddressee / Main Address Contact / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtTelephone / Telephone Number / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtFax / Fax Number / CHAR 20
tblStudent.txtEmil / Email Address / CHAR 20
tblStudent.dteDOB / Date Of Birth / DATE
tblStudent.txtEnterpriseAccountCode / Account Code / CHAR 6
tblStudent.txtAnalysis1 / User Definted Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis2 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30

tblStudent.txtAnalysis3 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis4 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis5 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.txtAnalysis6 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblStudent.decAnalysis7 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblStudent.decAnalysis8 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblStudent.dteAnalysis9 / User Defined Text / DATE
tblStudent.dteAnalysis10 / User Defined Date / DATE

tblSex.intSexId / Sex Id / INTEGER
tblSex.intSexId / 1 Male / INTEGER
tblSex.intSexId / 2 Female / INTEGER
tblSex.intSexId / 3 Unknown / INTEGER

tblSex.txtName / Sex Name / CHAR 30

tblAgent.intAgentId / Agent Id / INTEGER
tblAgent.txtCode / Reference Code / CHAR 10
tblAgent.txtTitle / Title / CHAR 10
tblAgent.txtForename / Forename / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtSurname / Surname / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAddressee / Main Address Contact / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtTelephone / Telephone Nuumber / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtFax / Fax Number / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtEmail / Email Address / CHAR 20
tblAgent.txtEnterpriseAccountCode / Account Code / CHAR 6
tblAgent.txtAnalysis1 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis2 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis3 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis4 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis5 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.txtAnalysis6 / User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAgent.decAnalysis7 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblAgent.decAnalysis8 / User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblAgent.dteAnalysis9 / User Defined Text / DATE
tblAgent.dteAnalysis10 / User Defined Date / DATE

Class Ledger Receipt Export Fields
(format: Export Field / Description / Type):

tblAccount.txtEnterpriseAccountCode / Unique Account Code / CHAR 6
tblAccount.intAccountId / Unique Internal Account Id / INTEGER
tblAccount.txtCode / Agent/Student Reference Code / CHAR 10

tblAccount.txtAnalysis1 / Agent/Student User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAccount.txtAnalysis2 / Agent/Student User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAccount.txtAnalysis3 / Agent/Student User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAccount.txtAnalysis4 / Agent/Student User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAccount.txtAnalysis5 / Agent/Student User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAccount.txtAnalysis6 / Agent/Student User Defined Text / CHAR 30
tblAccount.decAnalysis7 / Agent/Student User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblAccount.decAnalysis8 / Agent/Student User Defined Decimal / DECIMAL
tblAccount.dteAnalysis9 / Agent/Student User Defined Text / DATE
tblAccount.dteAnalysis10 / Agent/Student User Defined Date / DATE 
tblAccountCurrency.txtCode / Account Currency Code / CHAR 10
tblAccountCurrency.txtSymbol / Account Currency Symbol / CHAR 3
tblAccountCurrency.txtName / Account Currency Name / CHAR 30
tblTransaction.dteCreatedOn / Receipt Created On / DATE
tblTransaction.txtTransaction Number / Transaction Number / CHAR 10
tblTransaction.txtReference / Other Reference / CHAR 30
tblTransaction.txtComment / User Comment / CHAR 50
tblTransaction.blnDeposit / Deposit Yes/No / BOOLEAN
tblTransaction.decExchangeRate / Account Currency Exchange Rate / DECIMAL
tblTransaction.curPaymentValue / Payment Currency Value / CURRENCY
tblTransaction.curPaymentWriteOff / Payment Currency Write Off Value / CURRENCY
tblTransaction.curPaymentTotal / Payment Currency Total Value / CURRENCY
tblTransaction.curAccountValue / Account Currency Value / CURRENCY
tblTransaction.curPaymentWriteOff / Account Currency Write Off Value / CURRENCY
tblTransaction.curAccountTotal / Account Currency Total Value / CURRENCY
tblTransactionType.txtCode / Receipt Type Code / CHAR 10
tblTransactionType.txtName / Receipt Type Name / CHAR 30
tblTransactionType.blnNegativeSign / Indicates If Transaction Type is +/- / BOOLEAN
tblTransactionType.txtCostCentre / Transaction Type Cost Centre Code / CHAR 10
tblTransactionType.txtDepartment / Transaction Type Department Code / CHAR 10
tblTransactionType.txtNominal / Transaction Type Nominal Code / CHAR 10
tblPaymentCurrency.txtCode / Payment Currency Code / CHAR 10
tblPaymentCurrency.txtSymbol / Payment Currency Symbol / CHAR 3
tblPaymentCurrency.txtName / Payment Currency Name / CHAR 30
tblAllocationRule.txtCode / Allocation Rule Code / CHAR 10
tblPaymentCurrency.txtName / Allocation Rule Name / CHAR 30
tblSchool.txtCode / Receipt School Code / CHAR 10
tblSchool.txtName / Receipt School Name / CHAR 30


The following identifies characters you can use to create user-defined date/time formats:


Date separator. In some locales, other characters may be used to represent the date separator. The date separator separates the day, month  and year when date values are formatted. The actual character used as the date separator in formatted output is determined by your system settings.


Display the date as ddddd and display the time as ttttt, in that order. Display only date information if there is no fractional part to the date serial number, display only time information if there is no integer portion.


Display the date as a number without a leading zero (1-31)


Display the date as a number with a leading zero (01-31)


Display the day as an abbreviation (Sun - Sat)


Display the day as a full name (Sunday - Saturday)


Display the date as a complete date (including day, month and year), formatted according to your system's short date format setting. The default short date is m/d/yy


Display a date serial number as a complete date (including day, month and year) formatted according to the long date setting recognised by your system. The default long date format is mmmm dd yyyy.


Display the day of the week as a number (1 for Sunday through 7 for Saturday)


Display the week of the year as a number (1-54)


Display the month as a number without a leading zero (1-12). If m immediately follows h or hh, the minute rather than the month is displayed.


Display the month as a number with a leading zero (01-12). If m immediately follows h or hh, the minute rather than the month is displayed.


Display the month as an abbreviation (Jan - Dec)


Display the month as a full month name (January - December)


Display the quarter of the year as a number (1-4)


Display the day of the year as a number (1-366)


Display the year as a 2-digit number (00-99)


Display the year as a 4-digit number (100-9999)


The following identifies characters you can use to create user-defineed number formats:


Digit placeholder. Display a digit or a zero. If the expression has a digit in the position where the 0 appears in the format string, display it; otherwise, display a zero in that position.
If the number has fewer digits than there are zeros (on either side of the decimal) in the format expression, display leading or trailing zeros. If the number has more digits to the right of the decimal separator than there are zeros to the right of the decimal separator in the format expressions, round the number to as many decimal places as there are zeros. If the number has more digits to the left of the decimal separator than there are zeros to the left of the decimal separator in the format expression, display the extra digits without modification.


Digit placeholder. Display a digit or nothing. If the expression has a digit in the position where the # appears in the format string, display it; otherwise, display nothing in that position.
This symbol works like the 0 digit placeholder, except that leading and trailing zeros aren't displayed if the number has the same or fewer digits than there are # characters on either side of the decimal separator in the format expression.


Decimal placeholder. In some locales, a comma is used as the decimal separator.
The decimal placeholder determines how many digits are displayed to the left and right of the decimal separator.
If the format expression contains only number signs to the left of this symbol, numbers smaller than 1 begin with a decimal separator.
To display a leading zero displayed with fractional numbers, use 0 as the first digit placeholder to the left of the decimal separator.
The actual character used as a decimal placeholder in the formatted output depends on the Number Format recognised by your system.


Thousand separator. In some locales, a period is used as a thousand separator.
The thousand separator separates thousands from hundreds within a number that has four or more places to the left of the decimal separator.
Standard use of the thousand separator is specified if the format contains a thousand separator surrounded by digit placeholders (0 or #).
Two adjacent thousand separators or a thousand separator immediately to the left of the decimal separator (whether or not a decimal is specified) means "scale the number by dividing it by 1000, rounding as needed". For example, you can use the format string "##0,," to represent 100 million as 100. Numbers smaller than 1 million are displayed as 0. Two adjacent thousand separators in any position other than immediately to the left of the decimal separator are treated simply as specifying the use of a thousand separator. The actual character used as the thousand separator in the formatted output depends on the Number Format recognised by your system.


The following identifies the predefined boolean format names:


Display TRUE as Yes and FALSE as No.


Display TRUE as True and FALSE as False.


Display TRUE as On and FALSE as Off.

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