Help > Admissions Menu > Processes > Students >
Students New

Students - New

Main Functions

Add new or edit existing student details.
Add new or edit existing enquiries.
Copy an existing Student/Enquiry (See also Enrolment copy - this allows both the copying of a student and the enrolment - useful for family or similar bookings).

Student Search

Before adding a New Student or Enquiry, the system should be searched for matching names.
Enter approx 4-5 characters of the surname & press Find.
Matching records may be displayed to see if a correct match.
If a match is not found, Add Student (for an enrolment) or Enquiry.

Enquiries are shown in blue
Students entered without bookings are shown in red

Once an Enrolment is added to an Enquiry the Status is automatically changed by the system to Student, and a conversion recorded.

Search first before adding "New"!
It is suggested that, 4-5 characters are entered of the student's surname in the "search" box. Matching names will be displayed, enabling a judgement to be made as to whether the student's record is already present. If no match is found select "Add Student" or "Add enquiry".

Enquiry and Student data is the same.

Enquiries - After entry of an enquiry, a "student document" is normally merged & sent to the Student.
Student - After entry of the student details, the enrolment tab is selected for "Adding" the enrolment.


Name Details:
Enter as appropriate (45 characters each). Surname is mandatory.

Enter if required.

Note this is automatically created by the system, but may be changed. If a Title is not entered, the addressee will comprise Forename/Surname (45 chars).

M or F

Spare field, often used as a cross reference to an old system, eg. student number.

Normal overseas residence.

Main Mother Tongue.

Date of Birth:
Enter DOB or Age. If age is entered the system will assume DOB as1st Jan, of the appropriate year.

Correspondence Language:
Normally left unchanged.
If it is intended to create documents in multiple languages, then a Student may be set to reflect the document language to be used. In the document merge process only template letters designated with that language will be displayed.


Exclude From Trust Accounting:
Only used by countries intending to use Trust Accounting (eg. Australia & New Zealand). Set if appropriate.

Enter as appropriate, using Town/City, Country, as indicated

Email - used by the system when sending emails.

Mobile Number
Enter in format CCnnnnnnnnnnn, where CC is the country code for the mobile, excluding "00" or "+" e.g. for UK 44. Drop the leading zero. Eg. 07836574341, becomes 447836574341.

The mobile number may be used in conjunction with the text messaging option within Class.

Send SMS
Tick if mobile may be used for contact.

Enquiry Source:
Enquiry Source (if originated as an enquiry).

Origin as Enquiry
If Student originally entered as an enquiry, this will be set correctly, but may be manually overridden if required.

Follow up on
Used generally as a follow up date on enquiries (if required). Can be used in Quick Reports.

User Defined Fields
Complete as appropriate.
Note: Values can be selected from list or alternatively a 30 character value may be added.

Enrolments Tab - see separate Help for Enrolments.

Special Note:
Fields showing 3 horizontal "bars" may be updated directly with a code entry. On arrival at the field, the box will open to allow entry of a code, if required. Alternatively, use the search box
. (Code entry is not case sensitive. If a wrong value is entered, use the delete key to remove the value).

Enrolments - please see Enrolment


Statement/Other Address
Statement or Other address may be used if the address on screen1 (General) is not to be used for the statement and invoice.

Additional addresses may be added from the "Contacts" button, eg. Private accommodation, Next of Kin etc.

Document Address
Select address to be used for correspondence.

Invoice Address
Select address to be used for invoicing.

Send By
Printer/Fax or email.

Email Format
Set to Rich Text, but if the recipient advises format is unreadable, try HTML or simple text.

30 character labels. Can be used in Quick Reports (see Settings > Students for setting the preference items)


Allow Student to Login via the Web?
Set if this student is allowed access via the web.
System rules determine how long after departure a student may access his details.

User Name
Enter a user name (which must be unique for the system) up to 250 characters long. It will default to the student's email address.

Up to 10 characters long (case sensitive).

Verify Web Login User Name
After entry of a new user name, you should verify that the name is unique.
However, the system will always check before accepting the record.

Web Permissions
Complete as appropriate.

Preferred Date Format
Set European or USA format.


3 (total 7500 characters) notepads are available for "permanent" type notes. It is suggested that variable notes eg. notes about the students, their progress and any complaints etc, are recorded in the Dated Notes section.

Dated Notes

The Dated Note has a number of features:

Pop Up note until.....
If a date is entered the note will be automatically displayed (student and enrolments) until the date is passed.

Note History.....
Each time a "new note" is added (to progress the story!) the users id/date/time are entered, providing a chronological sequence of events. Notes can only be changed (Edit History) if the user has the relevant permission set or is an administrator.

Link Note to.....
If the note is linked to an Agent, Family or Teacher, the same note will appear in their records. As it is a link (ie. the same note) it will appear updated all the time!

Action By.....
The note can also be "sent" to a user for action

Information Only.....
Users "sent" the note as information only receive them in blue, making it easy for the user to recognise they do not need to take any action.

User Defined Fields

Any number of user defined fields can be added to the student record (they are displayed both in the student and the enrolment screens). Fields can be grouped into Sections for ease of use, as can be seen in the above example: Exams, University Placement, Work Experience.
To set up fields and sections go to Settings > Students > User Defined Fields.

Each entry consists of Section / Name / Date / Content and a Short Note. All fields can be used in both Word merges and Quick Reports.

For Windows Vista/XP (and above), a special piece of imaging software is required before photos may be inserted or pasted in: "Global 360 Imaging for Windows" - please contact Infospeed for details.
You can find an existing photo under its filename, you can scan a photo in, or paste it from the clipboard.


Pictures can be merged with Word documents, and also appear in the top corner of the student screen.



Cancellations: only select if cancelled Course or Accommodation records are to be included in merged document.

Add a document by selecting from the list.
Note: default settings can be changed by selecting "Header Options"

Note: the Send By method may be edited at this stage to enable it to be sent email/fax etc.
The document may be added more than once, if for instance an email and printed copy is required.

Click View to see/edit or Send if no editing is required.
If Document Batch runs are being used then there is no need to "Send", as the document is automatically sent by the batch process.


Passport No.
Enter the student passport number if required.

Passport Expires
Enter the student passport expiry date if required.

Passport Country
Enter the country that issued the passport if required.

Country of Birth
Enter if required.

Enter if required.

Tick if passport details have been checked.

Checked On
Enter the date and time when the passport was checked.

Checked By
Enter who checked the passport.

Text Messaging

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