Aged Debt When viewing a ledger account, aged
debt details are automatically available. Account Type Exclude
Proformas Filters Enrol User
Defined Arrival Date
Range Based Upon Only Balances with Next
Payment Date Sort Account by Options Sort
Bookings By
An aged debt report can also be
produced based on a selection of students or agents.
or student accounts may be separately selected, or individual accounts selected
for inclusion.
If proformas are included, an "Invoice Date To" may be
added, which restricts invoices/credits/receipts to within the date range
Exclude proformas allows the aged debt to be balanced to other
reports, eg. Ledger Balances/Reconciliation, and Control Balances.
It also
allows the aged debt to be reproduced "as at" a specific date.
This is
useful for period or year ends.
Apply as
Select, if only enrolments based on an Enrolment User
Defined field are required.
Select if the arrival date range needs extending
Date (default)
Spread - system will spread the value of the booking over the
Agent Terms - date due, based on the agent terms as set in the
agent record ("0" = on arrival)
Debt Spread - receipts are spread pro
rata to duration. Useful for checking to see if student has paid sufficient to
cover existing stay at the school
This allows, typically direct students, who are paying
by instalments to be monitored.
The "next payment date" is available in the
enrolment (invoicing tab).
Summary Report:
Summary Detailed:
Copyright 2013
Infospeed Limited